Forum Discussion

hooligan495's avatar
New Member
3 days ago

TestComplete and WPF

I've a .net 8 WPF project where I have the following steps to build it: 

  1. Compile the app
  2. use donet publish
  3. Create an msi


When I compile and run the app TestComplete recognizes my app as a WPF application and creates proper WPFObjects(control.NameProperty) that I can use for my test scripts.

However when the dotnet publish command is run on my app (to create a self contained folder) Testcomplete no longer recognizes my app as being an accepted window (Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.   So I can't even use test complete's spy to walk teh object tree. 

In my project if I check the * for accepted windows Spy will now walk the object tree but they are all UIAObjects not WPFObjects.  Is there a way to tell TEstComplete that this truly is a WPF app? 

1 Reply

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Let's make sure that everything for your WPF testing is set up properly. Check out these requirements and let us know.

    Take a look here

    and here