Forum Discussion

Guido_P's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Splitting a project to run a daytime and night time test

I am fairly new to Testcomplete and according to my co-workers, what I want should be possible, but they don't know.


Here's what I want/need to do:

Within my domain is a desktop application which is tested with Testcomplete. However, due to the amount of things to be tested, we want to split/clone the project in a way that a part of the tests is being done during daytime and a full(er) test is being done at night.


How do I do it?

- splitting/cloning the project in a day project and night project

- schedule the projects to be executed at times I want them to be executed


Thanks in advance! 

  • Hi,

    You can do this in a few ways. 

    If you want to run the same Project, I would recommend copying the test so there would be a day test and night test. Or we could have a Day and night Project, so each would have their own pipeline. 

    Scheduling tests can be done in a few ways too. Are you currently using a CI/CD tool like Azure Dev ops or Jenkins? Commonly we schedule pipeline builds from there, but we can use Microsoft task scheduler too. 

  • Hi,

    You can do this in a few ways. 

    If you want to run the same Project, I would recommend copying the test so there would be a day test and night test. Or we could have a Day and night Project, so each would have their own pipeline. 

    Scheduling tests can be done in a few ways too. Are you currently using a CI/CD tool like Azure Dev ops or Jenkins? Commonly we schedule pipeline builds from there, but we can use Microsoft task scheduler too.