ios and Android mobile application for SmartBear AlertSite
It would be of great value if we have a dedicated ios and android mobile app for SmartBear Alertsite Product which would then allow the end users to leverage the mobile app and visualize the data better rather than relying on the web page.1.9KViews7likes1CommentFull page response time on the dashboard
we do not see full page response time on the dashboard, whereas what we get is Last response of the monitor. is there any way to include full page response time to dashboard. Please implement this feature, this will help the clients to understand the full-page load time without drilling down to the details.719Views5likes5CommentsAdditional data points for "Transaction Step Summary" Report
We will gain more insights if we have the below additional options in"Transaction Step Summary" Report: 1) Have the option to select multiple locations 2) Ability to provide the data at granular level rather than the aggregated level (Example: If we are running the report for last last 7 days or last 1 month, we are seeing in this report, only one data point per transaction step per day which is the aggregated/consolidated value; we want to have the option to view individual data points per script run also in this report)1KViews5likes0CommentsDisplaying the data based on custom time zone or based on end user's device/browser timestamp
On the SmartBear AlertSite UI, instead of fixing the data timestamp to GMT, it would be better if we can configure the timestamp of the displayed data (Or) may be, the data can simply be displayed based onend user's device/browser timestamp.1.1KViews1like2CommentsBurn Down Chart Dashboard gadget does not display accurate burn down
When building a Dashboard containing Burn Up and Burn Down charts using the SmartBear Zephyr Scale gadgets in Jira Cloud, the results displayed in the Burn Down chart are simply a mirror-image of the results displayed in the Burn Up chart, not accurately displaying the Execution Remaining results as expected. Configuration: Results: Using identical configuration specs, the Burn Up chart shows we tested 21 Test Executions (of 771 total) on June 09, 2021. The corresponding Burn Down chart does not represent that on June 09, 2021 we should have 750 Test Executions remaining. Is anyone else seeing these type of results from these gadgets? We are trying to build dashboards for management to be able to track real-time results, but the gadgets don't appear to calculate the data correctly.Solved2.4KViews1like3CommentsScheduling Manual Tests And Dashboard Chart Showing Progress Against Plan
A key metric I am commonly asked for is "what is our test progress against plan?" Right now, I have a custom field "planned test date" that I have to manually populate test by test (or fast edit). The only way I can report on this is to then run a test library export (from legacy reports as the new reports module .csv includes excessive blank columns) in to an MS Excel dashboard where I then have a formula similar to this: =COUNTIFS('QAC_Extract'![RANGE],[LOOKUP],'QAC_Extract'![RANGE],"<="&[TODAY]) (where LOOKUP is the Planned Test Date) Used in conjunction with total number of tests, and the sum of the tests that have a Last Run Status I can determine how many were planned by today and how many were attempted. This gives me stats as shown in the attachment. It would be great if QAComplete could do all this tracking for me, using a dashboard line chart.1.8KViews1like0Comments