Forum Discussion

gregkennedy001's avatar
New Contributor
2 days ago

Test Execution Limits in Zephyr Scale

We've recently moved to Zephyr Scale and whilst the features and functionality are as expected, what is a surprise is the low levels of execution limits. So low in fact that we're almost thinking we've bought the wrong product or our use case is not what ZS is intended for.

We are a small team (<10) who run all our CI/CD workflows through GitHub Actions (however, the same issue would occur with other orchestration tools such as Jenkins/Bamboo). 

Per CI/CD best practices, we run our unit tests (via Pytest) and integration/acceptance tests (via ZS) on every commit to our GitHub repos (i.e. multiple times per day). Multiplied across even a small development team, this will quickly reach hundreds, if not thousands of test runs per month.

We're now aware, after purchase, of the test execution limits. My question is, the limits so low (100 default on the 11+ user Jira tier or 600 with Zephyr Scale Automate) that we think we're misunderstanding the product entirely. 

I have a support case open with Smartbear asking similar, but we wanted to sanity check our assumptions and see if the community is seeing similar limitations?

Any help appreciated.

  • Just for clarification, we are on Zephyr Scale Cloud purchased through Jira Marketplace