Forum Discussion

Richard_2's avatar
3 years ago

TestComplete not Name Mapping correctly on playback

Following a code recompilation & trying two PCs (one re-imaged so ‘fresh’) TestCompete is  not always managing to name map correctly on playback. It has been working fine for months previously. It falls over reliably on the same functions.


Example 1:



Not being shortened to:



If Property Checkpoint recorded and then deleted, the shortnend name is created and it all works again.


Example 2:

JScript runtime error.
'Aliases.HGS.FolderPicker.pathPanel.currentPath' is null or not an object

function Select_MPGSUploadDest()


  var sPath = "C:\\MPGSUploadDest";


   Aliases.HGS.FolderPicker.pathPanel.currentPath.wText = sPath;



Example 3:

JScript runtime error.
Object doesn't support this property or method


  Aliases.HGS.AuditAndErrorLogs.logViewer.treeLogView.ClickItem("|Log Views|Error Log", skNoShift);


The Name Mapping engine is set to the default value so ‘Update Name Mapping during test run’ is NOT selected.


Test Complete Version: 14.72.408.7 x64

  • Are you able to upgrade to the latest version of TestComplete?  I would try that first and see if it is a bug that was fixed already.

1 Reply

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Are you able to upgrade to the latest version of TestComplete?  I would try that first and see if it is a bug that was fixed already.