Forum Discussion

chamilton's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

TC is advising that my application is not instrumented. But the developers have instrumented.

I am attempting to test an application, the problem is that everytime I load it. It will advise that the application is not instrumented. The developer utilized the documentation available, and was able to instrument. This worked in the past. We upgraded the Android SDK to 6.0, and now it appears that it is not seeing that the APK is instrumented.


I am currently running TC: 11.30 

The build is a Debug Build



This has in the past worked without any error, were there any changes in the code that needs to be input into the APK? When I attempt to instrument that application myself, whenever I run the application it will crash. 


Please help. 

8 Replies

  • chamilton's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Additional information: I have discovered that this occurs when we upgraded our Android SDK to 6.0. Has anyone else been able to do this?

    • baxatob's avatar
      Community Hero

      Possibly it is a bug in 11.30 version. I have faced the same trouble with iOS application. TC support team are already aware of this and preparing a patch. As a workaround you can try to downgrade to 11.20

      • chamilton's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Thank you very much. How would I go about downgrading?


        I will downgrade and get back to you all with a response. When talking with their customer support they advised they have had no problems.