Forum Discussion

joffre's avatar
Regular Contributor
12 years ago

Problem with Distributed Testing on Windows 8

Hi all.

I'm having trouble on my environment. My phisical machine is running Windows 7 Pro Edition and TestComplete 9.20 Enterprise (this is the master machine).

The slave machine is a virtual, running Windows 8 x64 (and another x86) with TestExecute 9.20.

I'm trying to make the Distributed Test work but it isn't going well.

As you (person [or people] who is [are] helping me) can see, I've took many prints on a cenario that the Distributed Test worked (my machine as the master and a random Win7 machine as the slave with TestExecute) - named W7-SUCCESS-XXX.

I also print when the problem happenned on Windows 8 - named W8-FAIL-XXX. TestComplete just stays like that.

What can I do?

Hope you guys can help me.


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