Forum Discussion

kroe761's avatar
10 years ago

Distributed Testing - Test Execute never moves on to 2nd test if 1st test is too long???


Background - My Project suite has multiple projects, each is ONLY ran in a distributed setup. The Project is ran every night on a Master VM using TestExecute. The Network Project contains 4 tests:


1: Job One / Task One - deploys to a VM to test in Chrome Project One)
2: Job Two / Task Two - deploys to a VM to test in Chrome (Project Two)
3: Job Three / Job Three - The job contains two tasks, deploys to separate VM's to test customer-facing site in different browsers (Project Three
4: Script / Send Email - script under Network Project that saves the test log and emails it to various business owners (Network Project / Advanced / Script)


The problem: The first test under the Network Project can be quite long, sometimes taking up to three hours. After it finishes (I receive an email when it finishes via a script) it never moves on to the 2nd job, but just hangs indefinitely. However, if I disable all but a few of the tests within the Project One, thus greatly reducing the time Network Project Test One takes to run, it moves on to Network Project Test Two with no problem.


I don't understand why that would happen. I have one test within Project One that fails every night, but it moves on to the other with no problems; also, if I manually force one of the tests to fail during short run as described above, the Network Project still moves on to the next test/job. No to mention that I also have failures in Test 2, and Test 3 doesn't fail to start.


If there was a setting somewhere that I needed to change (a "if test takes longer than 2 hours" setting, something like that), I would have expected TE to close after a time instead of just hanging. I come back into the office in the morning and TE still says "Running" in the corner, but it's not doing anything.


I could probably turn all of the tests into tasks under 1 job, thus they will all run in parallel.  But then TE will just hang and never execute the Send Email test, and since I want it to run after everything has finished that won’t really work. 


Also, each task is set up Action After Run=Log off from computer and UsePrevious Instance=Restart TestComplete. Don't know if that is relevant or not, but it feels like it.  


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

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