Forum Discussion

Chowdhary's avatar
9 years ago

HOw LoadUi Works

i am using the soapui NG from 1 year, right now we want to use the loadui in our project, i am using the loadui trial, but i caunt understand how the loadui works.


how it send the thousand's of request and i wont find in my logs in splunk, if i find any errors in loadui, where cani find the logs about errors exactly.


how it works in realtime.

1 Reply

  • larsn's avatar


    So the logs for ReadyAPI reside in $HOME/.readyapi/logs/ (this is true for Linux/Mac/Windows) - you will find ready-api.log there. 


    As far as, why your requests aren't showing up in splunk, there could be many reasons:

    • is LoadUI targeting what you expect?
    • are the LoadUI requests doing the type of transactions that splunk logs?

    As far as how it works, take a look at the older LoadUI v2.x, it may shed some light on how the internals somewhat work.