Forum Discussion

CWalker's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

1.7.0 Virt WAR Not Working on WildFly 10



I'm using Ready!API 1.7.0.  I was wondering if someone cloud tell me if WildFly 10 was a supported WAR target.


I have a Virt that I saved to a WAR that's working in Tomcat 9.  The Virt also works running the within Ready!API.


However, when I put the WAR file into WildFly 10, it doesn't work.  I get a 500 error saying "NoClassDefFoundError: ...LocatableWebServiceException".  I'm using the same HTTP request from the Ready!API Project tab for Tomcat, Service V, and WildFly.


There are also about 20 or so WARN messages in the WildFly log like this one.


2016-05-15 20:09:15,541 WARN [] (MSC service thread 1-7) WFLYSRV0059: ClassPath entry xml-apis.jar in /content/readyapimocks.war/WEB-INF/lib/serializer-2.7.2.jar does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.


I attached a picture of the project.  It's a basic RESTful request.  My Virt returns a few JSON objects.


Thanks in advance,





5 Replies

    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 3
      I believe that CWalker is trying to deploy war in Wildfly, not for monitoring. So the above link only tells that is for monitoring statistics.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    I believe that it has support for deploy as war on tomcat. I doubt it can work for other web/application servers as they have different styles of web.xml. Any way good to explore.

    Do not have much idea on web.xml, but you may search and tweak to work for other web/application servers. Of course, that may not officially supported by SmartBear customer care.
    • CWalker's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Rao,


      I think this is a libraries problem, that the WAR is relying on some JARs available in Tomcat that aren't available or accessible in WildFly.  web.xml is standard across all Java EE Servlet Containers, so a WAR ought to be portable.


      I'm coding the mocks with Resteasy instead of exporting Virts and deploying to WildFly.


      Thanks for responding,


      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        May be I was wrong on that web.xml thing. Certainly you are true that it can be related to libraries. What if you include those libraries into war and retry deploying? I know it is trial and error and could be time taking. But once you know what is needed, then probably you could create script to make to changes to work with wildfly automatically deployable war.