Forum Discussion

sheba0907's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

My test set disappears after unlinking from a release

Took some tests (tests were linked to a requirement) & created a Test Set out of them (ID # 330406) As creating the test set, removed the link from the release before I submitted Went to Test Set,...
  • Nastya_Khovrina's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi Sheilagh,


    Items displayed in the Listing can be filtered in several ways (by Release, by Folder, by a custom criterion specified in the selected Filter, etc.). I've noticed, that you have a filter by Release: Please set the Release value to All Releases (select the root on the Releases tab) and look for the Test Set once again. Since you unlink the Test Set from a Release, it isn't displayed with the set Release Filter. 


    Also, you can check the following:

    1. Make sure the correct "Project:" is selected.
    2. Make sure "Releases:" shows "(All Releases)".
    3. Make sure "Type:" shows "(All Types)".
    4. Make sure "(No Filter)" is enabled.
    5. Make sure you are in the correct "Folder".
    6. Make sure "Show Inactive Test Sets" under the "Actions" drop down is checked or unchecked (depending on this, one is able or not able to see inactive tests).
    See the example video here:


    sheba0907 wrote:

    Must I have a link when creating a test set?

    No, it isn't required.