Forum Discussion

Normd's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Changelist update not updating

Running Collab 8x integrated with JAZZ RTC 502.

We have noted a few issues in collab behavior that we can't seem to resolve and it appears top be a bug on the collab side when you take a review out of the "closed" state.   The changeset does not get updated regardless of what we do.


Take this scenerio -

In RTC a new changeset is associated with a work item (eg. a defect). The state of the record is then put to "in review" which (as a result of the integration with RTC) creates a Collab review record, links in the changeset from the rtc work item, and creates links between both collab and rtc records.


In collab, the review is performed and if no issues found, the reviewers approve the review and the review record is closed.

On the RTC side some rework is done for whatever reason. The work item is re-opened, a new changeset created and associated with the work item.  The work item is then put back into the "in review" state.   This typically updates the Collab record with then new changeset and the review is re-assessed.


The above works, provided that the Collab review record is not closed.  If it is closed - then this is where we see the problem.

In the closed state, nothing changes. This would be expected.

If the review is re-opened, it does not matter what state transistions occur on the RTC work item side, the new changeset does not get pushed to collab.  Cycling the RTC work item ( from in-review -> rework -> in-review) does nothing. 


 If you can't use the same review record once it was in a closed state, Ok  we could live with it but you can't create a second review record linked to the same RTC work item. (At least not in the way the current RTC-Collab integration is defined .)


Has someone come across this and have solution to this problem?



Norm Dignard  








  • Hi Norm,


    Synchronization between RTC and Collaborator has been approved, we have fixed few bugs in versions 9.1.9100 and 9.4.9400. Please consider to upgrade your Collaborator to the latest version. 




  • AndrewF's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Norm,


    Synchronization between RTC and Collaborator has been approved, we have fixed few bugs in versions 9.1.9100 and 9.4.9400. Please consider to upgrade your Collaborator to the latest version. 


