- Danielri4 years agoVisitorNew Idea598Views0likes0Comments
Insite appliance - post upgrade password is reset to default
When performing an upgrade to an appliance using the non default password a login box appears asking for the default credentials, once the upgrade has finished the device has reverted back to the default password and requires changing again. Our security team do not like the default passwords being used so must be changed and if this is missed as a post upgrade task we are in trouble. Please make the upgrade process respectful of the configured password and leave it alone. SJeffries- Spotted this after running multiple upgrades recentlydsimpkins4 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea370Views0likes0CommentsAdd SSO signin link to login page
When using SSO, users have to have the correct sign in link for the main/sub account there user account has been created in. We have a main account and multiple sub accounts all using SSO, when we create a user in a sub account they have to use the correct URL otherwise they are denied access or presented with a login box. As we don't share the password with them they are then stuck. Also having an SSO link button on the login page means there is just one URL for everyone to remember/save, this also helps when using the "share tile" functionality as if you click the View in AlertSite link in the tile and are not already signed in you are presented with the login box and again stuck if you don't have your password.dsimpkins4 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea365Views0likes0CommentsIntroduce the concept of Private location groups
With the functionality of default locations we are now starting to see Insite appliances getting overloaded and neighbouring appliances sitting empty, this is because the first appliance is configured in the default location list. Where you have appliances sitting in the same location the ability to group them together and assign monitors to the group rather than the specific appliance will allow the monitoring load to be balanced across the available appliances as well as aid with faults/replacement tasks. Criteria's could be set that the appliances must be on the same IP subnet, same version etc as well as the system only performing re-balancing actions one/twice a day to reduce load on the backend systems with monitors moving within the group.dsimpkins4 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea342Views0likes0CommentsBackup monitors
Having an option to backup monitors foreasy recovery when any monitor in AlertSite gets deleted in error.carlmagnus4 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea452Views0likes0CommentsAdd CSV to scheduled outage reports
Hello, I would like to request an option to add CSV to scheduled outage reports. Thankscarlmagnus4 years agoSenior MemberImplemented1.6KViews0likes2CommentsAlertsite Smartbear Dash Ping response time tracker
Hello, I would like to know how long it takes for normal Ping/ICMP or Netcat/CURL type protocols to respond to my website. I would like a monitor that can keep track of the speed of these and graph it like all your others. thank you for this morning meeting with Spencer 🙂 Sincerely, TonyGarretSidzaka4 years agoNew MemberNew Idea505Views0likes0CommentsAllow AlertSite Scheduled Monthly Reports to be run on a specified date each month
I have a report I want to schedule to run on the 16th of every month and that is currently not an option. If I could specify monthly, and then a day of the month to run it each time, it would save me having to manually run it each month.bobiehu5 years agoNew MemberNew Idea392Views0likes0CommentsAbility to Use Custom Properties in Alert Templates
I would like to be able to use the Custom Properties and values created in alert templates. This would significantly enhance event management. AlertNotes/Monitor Notes are good, but would like to have "unlimited" flexibility.xjamesx4 years agoMemberNew Idea728Views0likes1CommentAdd dynamic content string to end of Navigation URL in DejaClick Extension
Add dynamic content string to end of Navigation URL in DejaClick Extension. For example the browser timestamp string would be added to the end of the first event on playback. Example: Below is one of the requirement, where, timestamp (Current Timestamp) string to be added to the end of URL. GEThttps://example.com/content/dam/heartbeat.jpg?t={timestamp} Please add a timestamp in the query to bypass cache Check response code 200mnachiappan805 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea572Views0likes0CommentsCustom Roles - Ability of SmarBear Alertsite to confine user access to only certain monitors
We need custom role to be created that allows the users to have accessto only certain monitors within an account. We do not want to create sub accounts for this purpose.isaacsam5 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea651Views0likes0CommentsSmart Bear AlertSite to support Selenium C# Scripts
We are having functional testing teams who use Selenium C# Scripts.As the current Smart Bear Alertsite platform allows only the Selenium java scripts to be uploaded, we want to have the option to include the Selenium C# scripts also to be supported which will greatly benefit us in re-purposing those already existing Selenium C# scripts .isaacsam5 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea511Views0likes0CommentsOption to add Uptime in the Dashboard Tiles
Hello, The current dashboard provides a quick overview of the monitor status, however, it is limited to performance and availability. The uptime bar graph for monitors with SLA MultiPOP is only available under the SLA Dashboard, however it can only be displayed on the per-monitor-level (no dashboard across monitors with SLAs). In addition, the SLA dashboard cannot be shared with an URL. It would be great if a simple uptime bar graph similar to the existing availability bar graph can be added (optionally) on the main dashboard. It would be very useful for customers, such as product owners, who are interested in uptime more than availability. It would be great if there are options to tick under each monitor tile for what to display: - Performance (seconds) - Availability (percentage) - Uptime (percentage) Thanks! Derek Ydereky5 years agoVisitorNew Idea1.4KViews0likes2CommentsSmartBear AlertSite SaaS monitoring locations to have machines that runs on Windows Operating System
There are certain web URLs that are accessible only from web browsers from Windows Operating System. As the current SmartBear AlertSite SaaS locations are only with Linux Operating system, we are not able to deploy synthetic monitors for those web applications. Therefore, we need AlertSite SaaS monitoring locations to have machines that runs on Windows Operating System.isaacsam5 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea824Views0likes0CommentsReport Enhancement Request in Alertsite UXM
Currently we are using Charting to gather our monthly reports, we thought why not the same integrated in reports section so that we cna automate them. Examples are attached. Revert back for any queries.jbabu5 years agoEstablished MemberNew Idea5.3KViews0likes0CommentsCombine Dejaclick and SoapUI
In Alertsite you have Soap Monitors that run independily testing endpoints and then Web monitors which run independently. I would like the ability to use and existing Soap Monitor as a data source from Dejaclick. In Dejaclick if we had the ablity to after logging in , see our existing soap monitors and choose the soap monitor we wanted. It would then give us a drop down list of objects that the soap monitor returns. We could pick the redirection URL as a variable and then use the variable for the url that we first open in Dejaclick to start the journey. Thanks, Douglasmcgoned20205 years agoRegular Visitor675Views0likes0CommentsUpgrade the version of Chrome running on Selenium on Alertsite
As we have Angular web pages running version 6 and 7 that was released in 2018 they do not work on the version of Chrome that launches with Selenium on Alertsite. When you launch Chrome in alertsite it uses version 49 of Chrome which was released in 2016. Using Dejaclick Chrome launches in version 74. Suggestion. Upgrade the version of Chrome that Selenium launches in Alertsite to version 74 or greater. Thanks, Douglas McGoneglemcgoned20205 years agoRegular Visitor1.3KViews0likes1CommentDisplay monitor note in dashboard when in list view
Have a request to be able to display the monitor note as an extra column rather than having to hover the mouse over the icon on the right of the view. Have it display just the first line if a multi line note and also put a warning that any more than X characters will be lost in the formatting.dsimpkins5 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea1.2KViews0likes1CommentIgnore Certificate messages on basic URL monitor
When using a private node to monitor an internal application, if the site doesn't have a public SSL certificate we are forced to create a dejaclick monitor just to add the ignore invalid certificate step. An extra option to handle certificate errors when just using a basic monitor would be valuable.dsimpkins5 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea523Views0likes0CommentsSSL Certificate expiry report
Request to add a report that details all web/api monitors and if SSL how many days are left on SSL certificate. Assuming every monitor that runs collects this data already and a report is just exposing the data for customer consumption.dsimpkins5 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea549Views0likes0CommentsAccount or Monitor custom In-Domain List
After running a test, AlertSite will automatically sort which domain is outside or within your domain (In-Domain and Out-Of-Domain) which you can see when you View Run or Waterfall. (Outlined herehttps://support.smartbear.com/alertsite/docs/dashboards/monitor-runs/waterfall.html) However in some case you may have resources that don't sit on the exact same domain that the monitor is running against. So for example a monitor on sales.testsite.com may pull in references from a parent sitetestsite.com or a delivery networkcdn.testsite.com. Currently Alertsite doesn't see these as being In-Domain so when you are looking at filtering you end up getting a mixed collection that doesn't easily aid you in seeing the correct information. My idea is to allow account/sub-account wide URL's to be defined as In-Domain, additionally a monitor level could also be useful too.k_penny5 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea572Views0likes0CommentsMake it Easier to Duplicate Content Views Across Synthetics
We have a lot of synthetics that are monitoring the same application. There is a standard content view that I attempt to use across these synthetics, but requires one long string of regex to work globally. There is limited documentation on this. It would be great if we could refer to previously created content views and replicate them across multiple transactions easily. Thank you.action_5 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea509Views0likes0CommentsWhite listing ip ranges that are able to see the shared tiles from within AlertSite.
We are needing to be able to white list ip ranges that are able to view the shared tiles within AlertSite. We are wanting to restrict someone outside the company being able to view our synthetic transaction up and down times. as of right now any of our adminisratorshas the ability to post a tile to a public dashboard and we are wanting to be to control the audience that is able to view the availability of our systems.AConner5 years agoNew ContributorNew Idea652Views0likes0CommentsPreserve actual server response on keyword validation failure
If the a keyword validation for a site test fails, Alertsite reports an Error 5, but does not preserve the acutal response that the server returned. This slows down the process of troubleshooting a failure, doubly so for an intermittent failure. In the case where the validation fails, please preserve the actual failure and include it in the failure details.dabramov_wp5 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea737Views0likes0CommentsDejaclick default when uploading an existing transaction
In dejaclick when you upload an existing transaction, the default transaction name should match the name instead of making one scroll through 100s of transaction to find the right one.Tonyv5 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea460Views0likes0CommentsFive nines (99.999) for Availability Goal
As per our contract with our customer, we need to track and report service availability SLA of 99.999 (five nines). When we tried to create SLA under menu SLAS, we entered 99.999 for Availability Goal and the UI took the value without reporting any error but truncated to 99.99. Could we please support five nines (99.999) for availability goal?SarojUpadhaya5 years agoSenior MemberImplemented1.4KViews0likes2CommentsAlerts on Overall Page Weight
I'd love to be able to setup an alert anytime the total content on my home page is > 5MB downloaded to the browser. This will allow me to action image and content optimzations with my team as home page content is constantly evolving and having too heavy a home page can negativly affect both my conversion rate + infrasctructure/hosting/caching/cdn operating costsMitchHellerEF5 years agoNew MemberNew Idea1.4KViews0likes1Comment- Tonyv6 years agoSenior Member1.1KViews0likes1Comment
Private locations should be able to round robin
Hi, I submitted "Case #00397845: Private node server round robin" and was given a complex workaround. Private locations should be treated no differently than your public ones. During our POC we were told that monitors that use private locations can round robin the test runs. This is not the case. All PLs run the test at exactly the same time. This creates a load test if a monitor has many PLs and is not desirable. The monitor should run 1 test at a time equally spaced. Many other vendors have this standard feature and Alertsite should too. thanksTonyv6 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea778Views0likes0Comments- Tonyv5 years agoSenior MemberImplemented1.7KViews0likes3Comments
- Tonyv6 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea1KViews0likes1Comment
Provide Direct URLs for Alertsite Views
In order to provide other teams with on demand shareable dashboards, I propose creating a dedicated URL for each view/dashboard that has been created. This would give our team the ability to quickly share different views dedicated for different audiences. For example, a view with monitor groups to determine the health of specific parts of our web applications.action_6 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea1.7KViews0likes2CommentsCopying Monitors
We ran into a use case yesterday where we were simply re-pointing our target URL in an API monitor so that a test could be conducted in a lower environment with a different URL.The ability to copy a monitor would have negated the need to re-create the monitor from scratch using the same arguments that existed for our production monitor. Instead, we could have simply copied the monitor, and changed the target URL.action_3 years agoRegular VisitorImplemented2.1KViews0likes4CommentsProxy - NTLM/Kerberos
Allow the AlertSite InSite Private Node to authenticate with NTLM or Kerberos instead of only Basic Authenticationpchip6 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea788Views0likes0CommentsAlertSite: Add groovy script option in API monitor creator
Now that the API monitor creation is more robust with the ability to design right in the UI I'd like to enhance its for multistep transactions. As a user, I would like to be able to add a groovy script to be able to do some advanced processing of step results.dmezynski6 years agoNew ContributorNew Idea990Views0likes0CommentsAlertSite: mutlistep API tests pass information from one step to another.
Now that the API monitor creation is more robust with the ability to design right in the UI I'd like to enhance its for multistep transactions. As a user, I would like to be able to use one of the results of a step in a following step. Example Step 1: Poll API for a user Step 2: pass user id to process something else.dmezynski5 years agoNew ContributorImplemented2KViews0likes2CommentsDelay in AlertSite API tests
Now that the API monitor creation is more robust with the ability to design right in the UI I'd like to enhance its for multistep transactions. As a user, I would like to be able to add a delay step in the API transaction. Example delay 30seconds before next step.dmezynski6 years agoNew ContributorNew Idea792Views0likes0CommentsUtilizing Alert Notes field
We are utilizing the Alert Note field within AlertSite to pass on some information that is not standard within the Alert Site form. We are wanting to forward with the alert such information as Priority, AltCI ,User and the URL being tested. The field is limited to 256 characters, getting all this information into that little box has been downright impossible for some transactions. Can we get that field expanded to at least 512 characters? Here is one example: Priority:3,AltCI:ESEntitySearch,User:wmyers4,URL:https://apisvc.rjf.com/entity-search-service-v3/api/service/accountNumber/56695440?faNumber=1125,1T14,0W64,12D3,11B0,05P8&excludeClosed=false&externalAsset=false&linkType=CAR,CRG&appId=TradingSys&user=jstanton&pid=535488&timeClosed=0 This is so all necessary information is surfaced in the SNOW incident, if there is a better way to bring this through the json, I’m open to it. thanks, AubreyAConner5 years agoNew ContributorImplemented1.8KViews0likes2Comments