how to run custom scripts after project suite Run is completed
We have developed custom code in python to generate html based Summary report using the data available in the TestComplete provided Junit summary report xml file. At the end of execution i want to generate Junit summary report xml file and then I want to run this custom code. I am not sure when and where i can trigger this custom code after all the test execution is completed? Also it should get triggered in both commandline and using Test complete GUI. Any thoughts how to achieve this?19Views0likes6CommentsContinue on error
Hi, I have the following question: How to continue with the next step of the same testcase after an error occurs? Scenario: - We have 40 customized checkpoints in one testcase (mode 'KeywordTests'), which are comparing images successfully - These images should be updated due to changes in the requirements - Each checkpoint throws an error and writes the expected image in a file - Running the same test case 40 times to receive the expected images is inefficient. How to configure Testcomplete not to terminate the execution of a testcase if the result of each checkpoint is 'Assertion is false'? - Setting the configuration 'On error' of this testcase (in the section 'Execution Plan) to the state 'Continue running'' does not work as expected. Thanks for your answer in advance!Solved57Views0likes9CommentsVideo recording of Text Execution
Hello to everyone! I installed the VideoRecorder Extension and the last version of VLC Media Player. When I try to record a test execution in the log tab the following sentence appears: "Unable to start video recording. The VLC recorder is not installed." Why does this message appear? I uninstalled and installed again VLC but it continues to appear. How could I solve this problem? Thanks in advance to everyoneSolved1KViews0likes7CommentsRunning tests by tag name in specific order
Hello, I will be running my suite of tests in a CI/CD pipeline (Jenkins) but I realized from the documentation that running tests by tag name (following the CLI commands) does not guarantee the tests will be run in a certain order. (Note:The tests that match the specified tag will be run in an arbitrary order.) While trying to find a workaround to this inconvenience, I realized that it does indeed follow a specific order. The order is given by how the test files are sorted in the file script.tcscript. So, for whoever needs to run their tests using tag names, and also wants to run a "pre-step test" or something like that, all you have to do is open that file on any text editor, and move the row where your test file is, up to the place first place, or at whichever place you want it to be executed. Example: # Assuming all tests have the tag "@Smoke" <folder name="MaiGroup"> <folder name="Group1"> <child name="TestMethod1" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File1.js" /> <child name="TestMethod2" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File2.js" /> <child name="TestMethod3" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File3.js" /> </folder> </folder> # Test run for the @Smoke tag will look like: TestMethod1 TestMethod2 TestMethod3 ----------------------------------------------------------- # Now, if we want to run TestMethod3 first, all we have to do is open the script.tcscript file and move the TestMethod3 to the first place: <folder name="MaiGroup"> <folder name="Group1"> <child name="TestMethod3" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File3.js" /> <child name="TestMethod1" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File1.js" /> <child name="TestMethod2" key="ZZZZ-YYYYY-VVVVV}" path="File2.js" /> </folder> </folder> # And now, the test run for the @Smoke tag will look like: TestMethod3 TestMethod1 TestMethod2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hope this helps someone, and maybe the TestComplete team can now update the documentation. Regards.594Views2likes1CommentHow to attach additional documents to the Azure DevOps (ADO) Pipeline?
I have tests running on an ADO Pipeline that create an excel sheet. I would like to add that created excel sheet to the Attachment section so that it is easy for the user to find it. Am I able to do something similar to the .mht file that is already attached to the Attachment section of the test?13Views0likes1Comment'pause' disabled in execution
Hello everyone. I am using TestComplete 15.61.48 (64 bit) and everything was working fine until last week. Problem: When I start the execution of my project, I am not able to select 'pause'. The indicator that has the pause/stop option only allows me to stop. The 'pause' button is disabled. Has anyone come across this or any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thank you, Shirin39Views0likes2CommentsParallel test execution using multiple local headless browsers
Is the title of this post possible? I am trying to run two scripts in parallel using local headless browsers: When I try running, User1Login passes but User2Login fails with the error "Unable to find the object Sys.Browser("Remote")". Switching the order, User2Login passes but User1Login fails (they are the same script but I am passing in a different user). What am I doing wrong? Is what I am trying to do even possible? It seems like my second script can't use the same Sys.Browser("Remote"). Can I add something in parameters?56Views0likes5CommentsHow to open Dev Tools using Test Complete?
These are the steps I tried but did not work. { //Opens the specified URL in a running instance of the specified browser. //Browsers.Item(btChrome).Navigate(""); //Clicks the 'BrowserWindow' object. // Pressing Ctrl+Shift+F to open find dialog //function sendCtrlShiftI() { // Press and hold Ctrl and Shift keys, then press I, and release all keys // aqUtils.SendKeys("^+I"); } function Test1() { // Opens the specified URL in a running instance of the specified browser. Browsers.Item(btChrome).Navigate(""); // Accessing Chrome's Developer Tools using TestComplete var page = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page(""); // Execute JavaScript to open Chrome Developer Tools Sys.Keys(^+I); // page.RunBrowserCommand("Developer Tools"); // Alternatively, you can use the following line to open the Developer Tools: // page.Keys("^+I"); }Solved64Views0likes9CommentsTestComplete does not run script after browser launch even though Playback is still going on
I've been having this weird issue with TestComplete where after launching the browser, it just stops doing anything while the Playback is still technically occurring (Pause/Stop buttons appear in the top-right corner of the screen while it says 'Playback' below). This problem does not occur all the time, but occurs frequently enough to where it can become an issue when running my scripts via jobs. Clicking the Pause button does nothing (Test is not paused - Status still says 'Playback'), while clicking the Stop button changes the Status to 'Stopping', but it doesn't actually stop the test; It just stays in the same state as it was when it was in 'Playback' status. In order to get out of this state, I have to force close TestComplete and then re-start, which typically results in playback to actually work next time I run my same script without any modifications made. Would anyone have any idea what's going on? I'm not doing anything fancy with my script - Just launching the browser with my desired URL, and then attempting to log in. It just decides to "freeze" after the browser launches. I wish I had logs to provide, but with the issue I'm facing I can't even see why it's doing what it's doing. Below are examples of my code lines (Not doing anything special as you can probably see - I do want to note that this happens with any browser I decide to use, not just Edge): br = Browsers.Item(btEdge); br.RunOptions = '<insert URL here>'; br.Run(); /* Below would be code of running my application. Application would freeze after the URL is launched. */ Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.83Views0likes10Comments