Examples in model show as error in published docs
When I add a shared example to a model, I get this error in the published version: { "$ref": "#/components/examples/UserAddress", "$error": "Could not resolve '#/components/examples/UserAddress'" } Nothing is marked as Internal only, and the shared examples show correctly in other published areas, e.g. in the "Response example" section of a GET request. If I use a non-shared example, it works, but I want to single source as much as possible. So, can shared examples not be linked to models, or am I doing something incorrect? TIA!30Views0likes0CommentsCtrl+z - undo typing?
Originally posted by user Osher to the Stoplight Community on 02/13/2024 at 05:15 ET. Why doesn't ctrl+z work in Stoplight? Is there any way to undo typing when working on documentation in Stoplight? Or can I only "Discard changes since last publish"?Solved36Views0likes5Commentsbundle.js seems to be throwing an error 526 (SSL error)
Originally posted by user Abhilasha to the Stoplight Community on 02/23/2024 at 01:19 ET. All 13 projects under Nutanix Workspace (https://www.nutanix.dev/api_references/) are currently broken and do not render any content. For example, https://www.nutanix.dev/api_references/nc2/ does not have any content. Similarly, none of the other projects are rendering any content. We checked that stoplight server is working fine. The file bundle.js seems to be throwing an error 526 (SSL error). Our entire API website is down, and the content is inaccessible. I have already logged a support case 00008613 for this issue.3Views0likes0CommentsPostman collection import
Originally posted by user MikeSN to the Stoplight Community on 02/13/2024 at 15:00 ET. Hi, I'm facing an issue by importing collection postman. Stoplights show me that everything works well but at the end I get a simple other json displayed on stoplight and not the api that I wanted to see. I followed step by step the well documented steps to import a postman collection. Do you have an idea of where can be the issue ?5Views0likes0Comments{example}.api-docs.io/1.1 is not working
Originally posted by user Bozhidar Iliev to the Stoplight Community on 02/06/2024 at 16:46 ET. It just redirects to api-docs.io We've been using it for a while now and suddenly it stopped working, I can still access it through Stoplight website.Solved3Views0likes1CommentWhere are stored the data exactly ?
Originally posted by user MikeSN to the Stoplight Community on 01/18/2024 at 13:04 ET. Hi, I was doing some poc for using stoplight but I'm faced a question that I'm not able to find the answer on the documentation. I want to create a workspace from a git repository so I know this repository will have my data. But Is Stoplight stored datas in his own servers, which kind of data ? Is it possible to only store the documentation and api data on the git repository and nothing on stoplights servers ? Thank you5Views0likes0Comments