While I am writing test cases. At the time of testing I am facing an issue.
Hi all. Below is my test case code in bdd python. So here I have written the test cases and everything is working fine But i am facing an issue with this error 1. selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable (Session info: chrome=94.0.4606.54) *here is my code* *.test.feature* ``` Feature: Vikreya login Scenario: Login to vikreya with valid parameter: Given I launch chrome browser When i open vikreya web page And click on login button And enter username "aalamkazi24@gmail.com" and password "aalam@123A" And click on submit button Then user successfully login to the web site ``` *test.py* ``` from behave import * from selenium import webdriver @given('I launch chrome browser') def launch_Browser(context): context.driver = webdriver.Chrome() @when('i open vikreya web page') def open_vikreya(context): context.driver.get("") @when('click on login button') def click_login_btn(context): context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//body/div[1]/div[3]/button[1]").click() @when('enter username "{user}" and password "{pwd}"') def input_validate(context, user, pwd): context.driver.find_element_by_id("asadSalima").send_keys(user); context.driver.find_element_by_id("asadAlam").send_keys(pwd); @when('click on submit button') def click_submit(context): context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[contains(text(),'Log In')]").click() @then('user successfully login to the web site') def success_lunch(context): text = context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Welcome back! Alam')]").text assert text == "Welcome back! Alam" ```952Views0likes1CommentUnable to connect to TestComplete
Hello All, I have created build on AzureDevops for TestComplete. When I run build I'm getting this error. Any idea how to fix it ? 2021-10-08T14:22:55.3900080Z##[error]Failedtogetalistoftestsfromthe"C:\agent\_work\r1\a\_TestProject\SimpleTest.pjs"fileduetothefollowingerror:UnabletoconnecttoTestComplete:Serverexecutionfailed(ExceptionfromHRESULT:0x80080005(CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE))1.2KViews0likes2CommentsRun a single NUnit test from TestComplete
Hi I am trying to run a single NUnit test from within TestComplete, but I am having some difficulties. I don't want to run all the tests in the .net assembly, just a single one. I have created a unit test item in my project and in the 'Advanced parameters' field, I have entered "--test Demo.Tests.Test2". This should run only the test named 'Test2' within the 'Demo.Tests' class - this is exactly what happens if I use the NUnit console runner by itself, and I expected the same behaviour from TestComplete, as I gather it uses the console runner behind the scenes. However, the actual behaviour I get is somewhat bizarre. TestComplete seems to call the test runner for each test in the assembly separately, and applies my filter to every single run. From the test log we can see that TestComplete has tried to run both Demo.Tests.Test1 and Demo.Tests.Test2. If I view the details of the execution for Test1, I can see that TestComplete has applied my filter for Test2, but has also applied its own filter for Test1. This results in both Test1 and Test2 being executed on this run. Then if I look at the details for the execution of Test2, I can see that TestComplete has applied my Test2 filter, as well as its own Test2 filter. This means Test2 is executed again. Presumably, if I had a Test3 in my test fixture, it would then go on to a third run, and apply filters for Test3 and Test2, and so on. What I want to accomplish is very simple - I just want to execute Demo.Tests.Test2 once, and no other test. Is there any way I can do this, because I haven't been able to find any obvious solution. I have also tried using --where "test == Demo.Test.Test2" as my filter, but this also seems to cause a strange result. As before, it tries to run every single test individually, but also applies the 'where' filter in each case, meaning thatnone of the test runs do anything, except the one meant for Test2. This causes an indeterminate result for all of the tests except Test2. I don't want this cluttering up my test log/reports - if I want to run a single test, and that particular test passes, I just want to see a single 'pass' in my log. For a bit of background, the reason I want to run a single NUnit test is because we are testing a system which incorporates two main applications, one of which is a web application, with the other being a native desktop application. We already have a Selenium framework to test the web application, but many of our tests involve using both the web and desktop applications. We want to be able to create a TestComplete test which utilises the existing Selenium framework for the web parts, which would involve running a specific NUnit test designed for that particular scenario, rather than running the whole suite of tests. Any help with this would be very much appreciated.846Views0likes1Commentkeyboard Input Disabled
hello everyone, i have a problem and i need help. when i run my project, errror message appears. "Unable to process keyboard input into the disabled control." before the recording prosess i can confirm that my keyboard has entered a value and i used "Delay" but not working well.1.1KViews0likes3CommentsConfiguring Test Item in Execution Plan Editor from Command Line
Hi, For Example: Project Items are, Test Routines: Test1 and Test2 Script : Unit In order to execute one of those test routine, first we need to input those test item into Execution plan editor and do testing (Manual Case) But my requirement is how to Define/ Configure particular test item into Execution plan via command line?Solved1.3KViews0likes3CommentsTestComplete_Node_Locked License Issue
Dear Test Complete Support Team, We have purchased the Test_Complete software from SmartBear earlier. Now we want to use it for project purpose which we need to install it on DELL Latitude 5420 – Windows 10 laptop. We are getting the error while apply the Node_Locked_License Key. PFA. Could you please guide ushow to resolve this issue?. Thank You. Best Regards, Sasikumar K.Solved1.3KViews0likes2CommentsScript defined variables & use in project suites, projects & keyword tests
Hi I am using a script unit to generate 2 variables for use in a keyword test - chromeProductCode, chromeProductVersion My question; do I need to define these same variable names in the variable editor for either Project Suite, Project, or Keyword Test to make them accessible, for use, within the operations defined within the keyword tests? Cheers in advance. SimonSolved752Views0likes1CommentObject btn search not found
hello everyone, i need help i have a problem when i playback the recording TestComplete for Dekstop and i receive an error as follow: There was an attempt to perform an action at point (51, 13) which is transparent or out of the window bounds. Tested object: Aliases.NFS_ApplicationBrowser_Shell.HwndSource_ViewHost.ViewHost.btnSearch (Sys.Process("NFS.ApplicationBrowser.Shell").WPFObject("HwndSource: ViewHost", "").WPFObject("ViewHost", "", 1).WPFObject("gridMain").WPFObject("TaskViewHost", "", 1).WPFObject("taskViewHostGridOuter").WPFObject("AdornerDecorator", "", 1).WPFObject("taskViewHostGrid").WPFObject("mainScroller").WPFObject("taskArea").WPFObject("BAST01104V", "", 1).WPFObject("Grid", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDTaskArea", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDSearchArea", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDSearchTable", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDTableInSearchTable", "", 1).WPFObject("KSDSearchButtonAreaInSearchTable", "", 1).WPFObject("btnSearch"))Solved795Views0likes1Comment.exe file run in test execute
Hi, Is it possible to convert the project suite(with project scripts, keywords) into binary executable? And run in Test Execute Tool. Since, Test execute support file format -> .pjs and .mds. Does the Extensions(has installed with .net framework) will run .exe file? (Note: Test Execute providing .Net Framework->so, Can we run .exe file)Solved3.9KViews0likes14Comments