com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No device model matching pattern
I'm New to bit-bar. I'm trying to automation mobile native application, When run my test case with below desired capabilities, I'm getting Message: com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No device model matching pattern '%Samsung Galaxy A50 2019 SM-A505FN' available My Desired capabilities: {"bitbar_apiKey": "<my Key>", "bitbar_device": "Samsung Galaxy A50 2019 SM-A505FN", "bitbar_app": "<my app id>", "platformName": "Android", "appPackage": "", "appActivity": "app.ui.HomeActivity", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "bitbar_project": "WB-BitBar-POC", "bitbar_testrun": "Scree", "automationName": "uiautomator2", 'appPackage': '', 'appActivity': 'app.ui.HomeActivity'} I have tried both driver = webdriver.Remote("", capabilities) and browser.driver = webdriver.Remote("", capabilities) Any help on this would be appreciated.669Views0likes0Commentsserver version: uploading test results to Zephyr Scale via the automation API
Hello! I'm using Zepyhr Scale Server and I would like to upload to Zephyr the results of my automation testsuite made with pytest. I've tried this POST request: post(url="https://{my-jira-host}/rest/atm/1.0/automation/execution/{projectKey}", auth=({my_username}, {my_password}), files={"file":open("","rb")}) but it doesn't work because the response is "errorMessages":["Invalid Custom Format JSON file"]}'. I'm uploading a zip file containing one xml file generated with pytest --junitxml=output/junitxml_report.xml as it's explained here I've tried to make the same request with an API client (Postman) and the error is"InvalidZIPfile", even if I fail the authentication with a wrong username or even if I upload the xml file only. Maybe someone does the same thing and could help me? I'm a newbie 🙂 thanks!Solved6.5KViews0likes10CommentsGenerating Python client with valid docstrings
I'm using the currently latest swagger-codegen-cli-3.0.26.jarto generate Python client for my API. Then, I'm using Sphinxa to generate the client API reference in HTML format. The toolset invocation is pretty standard: sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs-python\_modules -e -P python\myclient docs-python\make.bat clean docs-python\make.bat html with a bunch of extensions in my `` for Sphinx: extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.napoleon', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', 'sphinx.ext.coverage' ] The `make.bat html` command outputs lots of warnings like these: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. WARNING: Unexpected indentation. I noticed the generator outputs docstrings which are not entirely valid. It also includes lots of the directives like `# noqa: E501` which are dedicated for the Python linters. Is there any way to control the docstring flavour or format that `swagger-codegen` outputs? If the above looks like a bug, is the right place to report it?Integrate Testcomplete (Python) Core Framework with Nexus / JFrog Artifactory Repository
Hi All, We are trying tocentralising the Testcomplete Framework (Python Code with in-built methods of Testcomplete) outside the Testcomplete Editor in-order toimplement "Central Repository" similar to Maven Dependency for Java. Kindly let me know if anyone has implemented Centralising the Framework and use it as a Dependency in the Testcomplete Project. Please assist me on how to centralising the Framework Code & access testcomplete in-built methods. Much appreciated for your help in advanced.Solved3.1KViews0likes7CommentsPython Client for Shopware 6
Good Day, i have generated a python client via theswagger-codegen-cli docker image in my GitLab ci pipline for a Shopware 6 shop. The problem i encounter is that every endpoint returns empty data, but the strange part is that when i debug the client i can see the data via the inspector but then in one step befor the data is returned it tries todeserializethe data and it returns a dictonary without any data inside. return_data=response_data if_preload_content: #deserializeresponsedata ifresponse_type: return_data=self.deserialize(response_data,response_type) This is from the __call_api() function. When i inspect response_data i can see it contains the data i need but deserialize() return this: {'data': None, 'included': None, 'links': None, 'meta': None} i know i could set the parameter _preload_content to false but then i get the raw request response as a byte string and that kind of defeats the purpose of using a swagger client. Who should i contact or ask about this? Is it a problem of the specs from my shop? Is the codegen not working correctly? Or is the python generator from swagger the problem? What should i provide here so someone can help or point me in the right direction?How to access result files from test
Hello, I am using Appium + AltUnity + Python script to run test on mobile devices. Test generates some kinds of result files (txt, raw, png). These files are pulled out from device by Appium to directory on the same level as test script (image of local run result in attachment). But I didn't find these files on result Bitbar web page. How can I access and download these files? Is some API for download these files? Thanks for response.Solved2.5KViews0likes2CommentsCalling a TestComplete method from external application
Hello, I have a TestComplete project with a python script, wich is testing an application (Application A). My plan is it, to call a function out of the TestComplete testing script from another C# application. C# application (B) Python TestComplete script Application A push button in application A ---> pushButton() ---> *button gets pushed* Is there an elegant way to do this? Like some kind of Interprocess Communication. I know that there is a REST API, but because both applications run on the same computer this would not be nice solution. I hope you could understand my plan 😄 Greetings LeonSolved1.7KViews0likes6CommentsPython external libraries and when any external methods are called, TC falls into infinite loop
Hi, I tried using OpenPyxl and then when I'm trying to run certain methods and for handling excel values. This happens for very first time, and when we rerun the same script to run after the first successful result, TC doesn't execute and doesn't respond, have to kill it from task manager to run it again Sample Script used is def ExcelWriteSingleCell(Sheet,Cell,Value): excelPath = "path" wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excelPath ) ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(Sheet) mycell=ws[Cell] mycell.value = Value running the above method once will result properly, whereas rerunning the same will result in infinite loop state or TC not responding state def testExcel(): Log.Message(ExcelReadSingleCell("Sheet1", "D3")) Log.Message(ExcelReadSingleCell("Sheet1", "D4")) Log.Message(ExcelReadSingleCell("Sheet1", "D5")) Log.Message(ExcelReadSingleCell("Sheet1", "C3")) Log.Message(ExcelReadSingleCell("Sheet1", "C5"))Solved1.5KViews0likes3Comments