Vaccanoll's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago
New Idea

Code Completion for Javascript Classes

A recent release provided support for Javascript classes, but there is no Code Completion/Intellisense for them.


If I make a class and then instantiate it via "new", that instance does not have any code compeltion on the methods or fields inside of it.


This request is to upgrade the editor to allow for that.

  • Vaccanoll's avatar
    New Contributor

    Marsha_R - My project is absolutely a JavaScript project.


    And I get code completion for normal functions and such, it just does not work for instantiated classes (objects).


    I have been doing some of my editing in Visual Studio Code as a work around, but it is frustrating to have to switch back and forth.


  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    Marsha_R - Definitely agreed with what Vaccanoll is saying I do not get the intellisense either. On the other end of the spectrum, the intellisense also does not honor scope. All vars are treated and globally scoped :/

  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    Marsha_R I would be inclined to agree. Now pulling in our JSDOC for the params and description would be more feature requesty.

  • Vaccanoll's avatar
    New Contributor

    Marsha_Rcunderw - I assumed that they knew and it was just functionality that had not "caught up" with the rest of the editor.


    If it should be a bug, do you know where I go to log it?  I found a way to log a support issue, but that does not feel like the same thing, so I was unsure.



  • Just log it as a support issue and they'll let you know what's going on.