Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

July 2021 | Zephyr Scale Community News

Hi Zephyr Scale Community!

This is a digest of the most exciting things that happened around Zephyr Scale in June. In this article, you will find: Zephyr Scale Community Leaders announcement, SmartBear Academy updates, the biggest forum discussions, and more! Let’s start.



All community members who actively participate in forum discussions and help others can become SmartBear Community Leaders. This is an elite status that we reward quarterly.

Being a Community Leader encompasses many benefits: you get special recognition (and gifts) from SmartBear, elevated permissions on the community forums, a spot on the Hall of Fame, and more! Read this guide to learn the easy way to become a Zephyr Community Leader.


With that, we’re happy to announce our first ever Zephyr Scale Community Leader:

MisterB !

Andy has helped an overwhelming amount of people in the Community already. He is a Zephyr Scale expert who generously shares his knowledge with others. Awesome job, Andy! As a thank-you for contributing so much to the Community.


TestComplete Community Leaders: @Marsha_R@AlexKaras  

ReadyAPI and SoupUI OS Community Leaders: @nmrao, @richie, @HimanshuTayal


We’d like to present each of you with a $50 gift card from SmartBear. Way to go!



The SmartBear Academy is an educational portal that offers free courses for SmartBear tools, and last month we added a new Zephyr Scale course to the mix: Getting Started With Zephyr Scale.

This course is designed to help you get started with Zephyr Scale in no time. It touches upon the following topics:


- Overview of test planning and execution in Jira

- Managing tests at scale with test libraries and reusable test cases

- Using advanced reporting and traceability functionality

- Introduction to integrating with test automation





We’re happy to see that the Zephyr Scale Community has been growing rapidly. We’re getting more questions asked and more people to participate in discussions.

Check out the biggest discussions for June and feel free to take part in any of them:

Not able to add teststep

Seeking to Insert 75+ projects into Reporting filter easily

TM4J - Test case export and import

Zephyr Scale - Space between test cases/plans/cycles in list view

How to organize best Zephy Scale with multiple projects and a central Testing Team


Got something on your mind that no one has brought up yet? Start your own discussion about Zephyr Scale!



Were you able to participate in Inside Zephyr? It was a fun event where forum members could talk to each other, share their experiences of working with Zephyr tools, and a chance to meet the Zephyr Team via exclusive event interviews.

If you didn’t catch them, you can still find the interviews under the InsideZephyr tag. Curious to learn more about the work behind this great tool? Definitely check the videos out. We spoke about Zephyr Scale, its past and future, upcoming test management trends, and more.




That’s all for today. Thank you for reading this digest, and feel free to comment below. See you in the Zephyr Scale Community!

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