11 months agoRegular Visitor
unable to update test execution status using POST Zephyr Enterprise API
Unable to update test execution status using POST Zephyr Enterprise API through postman
Request BODY : {
"teststepUpdate": true,
"teststepStausId": "1",
"notes":"Added from API"
Provided Basic authorization with Zephyr user id and password. Always getting 200 status but test case execution status is not updating in the tool. can you please suggest me if need to pass any other value through api
Response :
"id": 13,
"assignmentDate": "2021-09-03",
"actualTime": 10,
"versionId": "1",
"status": "1",
"testerId": -10,
"testerIdName": "Anyone ",
"tcrTreeTestcase": {
"id": 23,
"tcrCatalogTreeId": 7,
"revision": 4,
"stateFlag": 0,
"lastModifiedOn": 1634289983000,
"versionNumber": 1,
"createDatetime": 1630658775000,
"createdById": 1,
"modifiedById": 1,
"testcase": {
"customProperties": {},
"customProcessedProperties": {},
"id": 14,
"name": "I choose card with the different theme",
"description": "",
"tag": "theme",
"lastModifiedOn": 1697342400000,
"creationDate": 1697342400000,
"createDatetime": 1697342400000,
"tcCreationDate": "10/15/2023",
"comments": "",
"isComplex": false,
"estimatedTime": 120000,
"writerId": 0,
"creatorId": 1,
"lastUpdaterId": 1,
"oldId": 14,
"automated": false,
"customFieldProcessed": false,
"customFieldValues": [],
"testcaseSequence": {
"seqNumber": 14
"testcaseId": 14,
"versionNumber": 1,
"projectId": 3,
"testcaseType": "SHARED",
"requirementIds": [],
"requirementIdsNew": [],
"creatorName": "Test Manager",
"tcrVersionNumber": 1,
"tcrTestcaseVersionId": 14,
"automatedDefault": false,
"testcaseShared": true
"projectId": 3,
"releaseId": 5,
"isDerivedFromBDD": false,
"orderId": 14,
"maxVersionNumber": 2,
"projectIdParam": 3,
"original": false
"cyclePhaseId": 2,
"defects": [],
"attachmentCount": 0,
"lastModifiedBy": 1,
"createdById": 1,
"lastModifiedOn": 1659599166000,
"createDatetime": 1630660025000