Forum Discussion

bof60's avatar
13 years ago

VMWare & master/slave crashes TC 9


i went over your support guide about vmware but it talkes about vmware workstation i do not have a work station but a Vshpere which is very simular in functionaly but its on a server and not on my pc.

my question is :

does it work the same ? 

i also tried working with testcomplete 9(it also happend in TC8) as a master/slave configuration.

i added a host and verified it.(it was verified ok)

i added a job 

and than i tried adding a task and when i browsed a path test complete crashes i sent you a file dmp through testcomplete.

do you know anything about this problem ? 

can you help me avoid the crash ? 

thank you,


  • Hi Oded,

    As far as I know, there are no known issues with VMware vSphere. Do you have any problems with VMware vSphere and TestComplete 9?

    As far as I understand, TestComplete 9 has crashed with the crash report dialog. Could you please send the dump file once again to our support team so that we could analyze it? The dump file should be located in the following folder:

    C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\SmartBear\TestComplete\9.0\Logs (Windows Vista, Windows 7)

    C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Application Data\SmartBear\TestComplete\9.0\Logs (other versions of Windows, e.g. Windows XP).

    Also, please tell our Support team what actions you performed before TestComplete crashed.