Forum Discussion

conehead's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Upgrade from 12.3 to 12.4 removed the provider: Oracle Provider for OLE DB

After upgrading TC 12.30 to 12.40, I can no longer create a working database checkpoint. Several providers used to create the checkpoint were removed as a result of the upgrade, including the Oracle Provider for OLE DB.


Besides a browser upgrade for Chrome per the 12.40 TC requirement, that's the only thing changed on my machine.


Is this a known issue and have some sort of work around?


Thanks in advance.

  • The provider was never removed... again, it has to do with what version of TC 12.40 you were running.  so, if you want to run TC 12.40 you can do one of two things:


    1) Use the 32-bit version to run your tests so you can use the 32-bit Oracle provider

    2) Use the 64-bit version to run your tests and download/install a 64-bit Oracle provider.


    TestComplete did not "remove" anything from your system, it's all about the bitwise version of the provider and the bitwise version of TestComplete.

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    I think TestComplete reads that list of providers straight from your Windows setup. 


    I tried a bit of an experiment... if I run the 32-bit version of TestComplete, I get one list of providers, including the OLE DB Provider for Oracle.


    If I run the 64-bit version of TestComplete, I get a different list of providers... and the OLE DB for Oracle is not among them.


    So, here's my guess... and this may not be the truth of the matter, but only a guess.... If you're running the 64-bit version of TestComplete, it could be that it's filtering out the 32-bit providers from that listing.  You might need to download and install a 64-bit version of the Oracle provider in order to use it in the 64-bit version of TestComplete.  You might be able to get it from here


    This is documented in the help::


    Differences Between TestComplete 64-bit and 32-bit

    • To keep your data-driven tests working, use data drivers of the same bitness as TestComplete. For example, if you use ODBC drivers to connect to data sources, then, for TestComplete x64, you must use the 64-bit version of these ODBC drivers. If you read data from Excel sheets or CSV files, you must install the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider. Otherwise, you will get an error like “The needed data source driver is not installed or is not configured properly...”. If you have the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010 or later installed on your computer, you might already have this data provider. If not, you will have to download and install it from the Microsoft website. The provider is part of Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable x64:

    • cunderw's avatar
      Community Hero

      This is definitely it. You need have the same bit driver installed for the bit of the Test Complete you're running. 

  • conehead's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Thanks for replying.  I restored my machine image to where it  had a TestComplete 12.30 version, which also has a 32 bit Oracle and Version. 'Oracle Provider for OLE DB' is back.

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      The provider was never removed... again, it has to do with what version of TC 12.40 you were running.  so, if you want to run TC 12.40 you can do one of two things:


      1) Use the 32-bit version to run your tests so you can use the 32-bit Oracle provider

      2) Use the 64-bit version to run your tests and download/install a 64-bit Oracle provider.


      TestComplete did not "remove" anything from your system, it's all about the bitwise version of the provider and the bitwise version of TestComplete.