Forum Discussion

elesniewski's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of null .. well, sometimes

I have a scenario where I setup a variable of Type Object with Default value: {Object variable [unassigned]}

This will be populated with an array of sql query output.  On first run of the test, the following code fails with TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of null.  The line with error is where this variable is to be populated: KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray.push(RecSet.Fields.Item("ClaimID").Value);


On the 2nd run of this test, I get no errors and the script completes with appropriate log messages.  I don't understand why this test will fail the 1st time it is run, but not on consecutive run of the code.  Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.


// Step 9: 
// This involves running verus_CheckSubrogationClaim, 
// verus_UpdateSubrogationStatusByClaimID @ClaimID = ..., 
// verus_UpdateSubrogationNoticeInfo @ClientID = ...

function ExecSubrogationCheck()

  //KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray = []; <-- Whenever I try this, I get a value that is read as not null !?

  var AConnection, RecSet, Cmd, cmdTxt;
  var clnt = KeywordTests.Main.Variables.getID.Value("ClientID");
  var userID = KeywordTests.Main.Variables.getID.Value("Login");
  var pWord = KeywordTests.Main.Variables.getID.Value("Password");
  // Create a new Connection object
  AConnection = ADO.CreateConnection();
  // Note that you can also create an ADO connection using the following code:
  // AConnection = getActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");

  // Specify the connection string
  AConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=<redacted>;Database=CMS;Uid=" + userID + ";Pwd=" + pWord;
  // Activate the connection
  // Create a new Coomnad object
  Cmd = ADO.CreateCommand();
  // To create an ADO command you can also use the following code:
  // Cmd = getActiveXObject("ADODB.Command");
  // Specify the connection
  Cmd.ActiveConnection = AConnection;
  // Specify command type and text
  Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText;
  // EXEC 1st part of subrogation check
  cmdTxt = 'EXEC verus_CheckSubrogationClaim';
  Cmd.CommandText = cmdTxt;
  // Execute the command
  Cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
  RecSet = Cmd.Execute();

  // Process the table records
  if (! RecSet.EOF){
  // Grab ClaimIDs put into variable ourArray
  while (! RecSet.EOF)
    if (RecSet.Fields.Item("ClaimID").Value != null){
  } else {
    Log.Warning("No Subrogation Claims found!");
  // change ourArray into an actual array
  var s = KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray;
  //var s = [5523598,5523599,5523600]; -- this is here for testing purposes
  var prevSep = aqString.ListSeparator; 
    aqString.ListSeparator = ",";
  if (KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray != null){
  Log.Message(aqString.GetListLength(s) + " Subrogation Claims found.");
  Log.Message("EXEC verus_UpdateSubrogationStatusByClaimID @ClaimID = ...")
    //This reads through the array and EXEC verus_UpdateSubrogationStatusByClaimID @ClaimID = for each claim
  for (let i = 0; i < aqString.GetListLength(s); i++) {
    // Create a new Coomnad object
    Cmd = ADO.CreateCommand();
    // Specify the connection
    Cmd.ActiveConnection = AConnection;
    // Specify command type and text
    Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText;
    // EXEC 2nd part of subrogation check
    cmdTxt = 'EXEC verus_UpdateSubrogationStatusByClaimID @ClaimID = ' + aqString.GetListItem(s,i);
    Cmd.CommandText = cmdTxt;
    // Execute the command
    Cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
    RecSet = Cmd.Execute();
  aqString.ListSeparator = prevSep;
  //RecSet.Close(); -- this gave an error and was commented out
  Log.Checkpoint("Subrogation Claims status Updated");
// EXEC 3rd part of subrogationcheck verus_UpdateSubrogationNoticeInfo @ClientID = 
// Create a new Coommand object
  Cmd = ADO.CreateCommand();
  // To create an ADO command you can also use the following code:
  // Cmd = getActiveXObject("ADODB.Command");
  // Specify the connection
  Cmd.ActiveConnection = AConnection;
  // Specify command type and text
  Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText;
  // EXEC 3rd part of subrogation check
  if (KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray != null){
  cmdTxt = 'EXEC verus_UpdateSubrogationNoticeInfo @ClientID = 2, @LawFirmID = ' + KeywordTests.Main.Variables.getID.Value("LawFirmID") + ', @SubId = 0, @SubNoticeID = 0';
  Cmd.CommandText = cmdTxt;
  // Execute the command
  Cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
  RecSet = Cmd.Execute();
//Close connections
  Log.Checkpoint("Subrogation Check for <redacted> Claims completed.");
  • elesniewski's avatar
    6 years ago

    That works, too, but, to solve this issue I found I needed to change the following:


    if (KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray != null)

    change to:
    if (KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray != '')

     If I use null here, an empty string is passed to the sql query, causing the syntax error.  If I use '' instead of null, no worries.   Thanks.

  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero

    You have to uncomment this line because this variable has to be initialized.

    Have you tried with uncommenting below line in your code?

    //KeywordTests.Main.Variables.ourArray = []; <-- Whenever I try this, I get a value that is read as not null !?



    • elesniewski's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I have tried running the test with that variable initialized, uncommented that line, but I receive a syntax error. The initialization of that variable is read as something other than null, which causes bad data to be sent to the sql query in the next section. This causes a syntax error.

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Keywordtest variables do not play well with native array objects.  Rather than assigning that array to a keyword test variable, make it a local variable to the function, unless there is some need to have that array available in the keyword test.

  • Ruybal357's avatar
    Occasional Visitor

    Hey...  I want a small help from everyone here... please tell me how to make cannot read property 'push' of null??? Just give me a better solution for this Mobdro