Forum Discussion

maximojo's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 years ago

TestComplete very slow on MFC app

Hi all,


Just wondering if anyone has had this problem with their old MFC app automation.


When TC peforms actions like double-click, click or even Log.Message it is performing that action than hanging there for up to 30 seconds.


I've replaced the clicks with LLPlayer but not being able to log messages is pretty bad.


This did not happen with TC 10.


Thanks for any ideas


  • Smartbear support figured it out. The performance counters I had setup weeks ago were causing it. It's most likely my fault though. I had set them up on my local PC with a value "localhost" but somehow in all my copying of projects (long story, hadn't setup SVN at that time) the value had become baked in with my PC name.


    Once I set that back to "localhost" all was well!

  • maximojo's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    FYI I've narrowed this down a bit. Probably not related to my app being MFC based.


    If I perform an action like 




    The first time it runs that line there's a huge delay of ~30 seconds.


    But after hitting that line the first time, subsequent runs of Log.Message and button clicks run normal.


    It's as if TC has to initialize something that first time. 


    Have a support request in so will see what it is.

    • maximojo's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Ok. It's something with the log.


      If I set the below she runs smooth again:


      Log.Enabled = false;


      Of course this is still not good. Will see what Smartbear support finds but if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

    • maximojo's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Smartbear support figured it out. The performance counters I had setup weeks ago were causing it. It's most likely my fault though. I had set them up on my local PC with a value "localhost" but somehow in all my copying of projects (long story, hadn't setup SVN at that time) the value had become baked in with my PC name.


      Once I set that back to "localhost" all was well!