Forum Discussion

scottb's avatar
10 years ago

Testcomplete runs impressively slow after upgrade to 10.4 Enterprise

Last week I upgraded my test system from 10.3 standard to 10.4 Enterprise.  After the upgrade Testcomplete runs extremely slow.  At this time TC is unusable.  Fortunately this is only a development system and we don't have a hot project right now.  

When walking through JScripts in debug mode I notice that writes to Log.Message() take a few seconds per write.  

I monitored the system activity using Sysinternal's Process Monitor utility.  Process Monitor show a lot of delays from an operation with hasplms.exe.  It is trying to create file <C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel LDK\installed> and getting a results "NAME NOT FOUND".  It only takes about three or four tenths of a second when it does this, but it does this once every second or two.  That seems like a lot of work to make sure TC is licensed.

I also noticed a lot of activity with TCHookX64, but it seems to run quite fast. 

I can provide the Smartbear staff with a Process Monitor dump while a delay is occuring when writing to Log.Message if requested, but I will not post the dump here.

Do I need to change permissions for TC perhaps?  Or did the licensing configuration change in a bad way between 10.3 and 10.4 Enterprise? 

My SUT is Windows 7 Professional with service pack 1. 

My hardware is a slightly beefy Intell i7-2600K CPU @ 3.4-GHz 3.4 GHz.  8GB RAM.  64 bit O/S.  1TB hard disk with about 390GB free space.

The Windows task manager > Resource Monitor show about 1.1GB free space in RAM while TC is running.  

I don't believe the hardware and O/S resources are an issue, especially since everything worked fine before the upgrade.

  • Scott,

          Creating performance counters and then running that project on a different machine can also lead to dramatic increases in test execution time. In some cases, tests ran 10-20 times longer on a VM than developer box.  Process Monitor revealed that a large number of TCP Reconnect operations were made to the developer box, due to including performance counters in the project. Removing the counters restored the performance.