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vijay6105's avatar
12 years ago

TestComplete not responding


I'm working on Windows application using TestComplete 8.70 version. During execution we are facing lot of problems like application is crashing or TestComplete not responding or system is hanged. 

I guess it could be because of memory issues. But the problem is while execution we get some unhandled exceptions saying you want to continue or quit and Microsoft Exceptions saying you want to send or don't send error report. There is also just-in-time debugger popups sometimes when exception occured saying do you want to debug. Now when these exceptions comes application doesn't respond and we have to close the application and reopen to continue. Problem is during execution TestComplete is not running and pausing when those exceptions come, it is even not responding only if we close the application then it is continuing to run. As our tests run for more than one day it is difficult to close the application and start again. 

Can anyone suggest a  solution to this problem as this exceptions occur, TestComplete could handle it and do not stop execution.   like event manager or any code needs to be added/settings in TestComplete 


4 Replies

  • Hello,


    TestComplete is hanging and not running whenever any exception occurs in the application. Can any one suggest a solution to how to continue with execution without closing/stopping TestComplete 
  • Hi Vijay,

    Just saw you post. I did face this issue for long time while ago.

    If the testing application crashes, the test complete is also freezed. And only when you close the crashed the software, the test complete resume its testing. i have imformed SmartBear regarding  this, they asked me to send file.. but their response is "it is working fine as their system" . 

    Did you come across any solution?


    Rajesh Thomas
  • gk1970's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Vijay,

    Create a event handler function for the event OnLogError. something like

    For process_count = 0 To Sys.ChildCount - 1

    process_count = 0 .ChildCount - 1

        Set p = Sys.Child(process_count)

        if p.ProcessName ="iexplore" then

            Log.Message(" IE instance : " &process_count & " :: " & p.ProcessName)

            Call aqUtils.Delay(2000,"Delay for closing : " & p.ProcessName)


        end if

    ' If there are other processes which brings up windows or dialogs, pls. do the same as above


    Similarly for UnexpectedWindow also create a event handler to handle the unexpected window like

    Sub GeneralEvents_OnUnexpectedWindow(Sender, Window, LogParams)

    if LogParams.str="Unexpected window" then



    Log.Message(" Full name of the unexpected window : " &Window.FullName)





    Log.Message(" Full name of the unexpected window : " &Window.FullName)

    Sys.Process("iexplore").Window("#32770", "Windows Internet Explorer", 1).Close()

    end if



  • Have the same issue with v9.1 and v9.2 [OS - Win7 Enterp, x64]