Forum Discussion

pravin_k99's avatar
11 years ago

Swings application running on JAVA 1.7 Update 55 & Java 8 using TC 10.20


I see that TC 10.20 can identify swings applications and can indetify windows but cant go inside  windows and identify the individual objects.

Has anyone noticed it?



2 Replies

  • aqAnt's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Pravin,

    The situation you faced is caused by a known problem in JRE 7 update 55 and JRE 8 update 5, which is described here:

    Area: Deploy


        If an application uses RMI and runs in a restricted environment (ie. Java Plug-in, Java Web Start), it may not work. In particular, if you run a UI from an RMI callback, a NullPointerException is likely to be thrown.

    Unfortunately, our developers cannot overcome the problem from our side. So, they recommend that you roll back to a previous JRE update to test Java Web Start applications.

    Note: according to the issue's description in JDK Bug System, the problem should be fixed in JRE 7 update 65 and JRE 8 update 11 that should become available in mid-July.

  • Further on this.

    It seems its going to be an enhancement for TC.

    - If the application is downloaded as a standalone jar file then TC can recognize all the objects BUT

    - If the application is launched as a JNLP file from the browser, the above mentioned problem occurs, where TC stops at the window lever and doesnot drill down

    Looks like some jar signing and security stuff has changed in the latest version of JAVA which TC doensot understand

