Forum Discussion

OlgaA's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

Silverlight 5 supported?

We've started using silverlight 5 (5.0.61118) on the project.

TestComlete 8.6 does not see any silverlight stuff even after patching *.xap with with tcAgPatcher.exe

Does anyone know about any solutions?
  • dan_ws's avatar
    New Contributor
    I am trying to test a Silverlight application with the demo version of TestComplete 8.7.

    I am only seeing the following properties in the Silverlight section of the Object Browser:





    Is this normal? 

    I have seen significantly more properties visible in the Object Browser for Silverlight objects when working with Silverlight 4.

    I am using Windows 7 and IE8 x86.
  • dan_ws's avatar
    New Contributor
    ...I solved the above problem.  I didn't realize that there was an Advanced View and a Basic View.  I can see everything after switching to Advanced.
  • Anonymous's avatar

    thank you for your patience. We have just released TestComplete 9 that has full support for Silverlight 5 both 32 and 64 bits.

    If you are a customer on maintenance, you can get the new major version and licenses from your client services portal account.
  • dan_ws's avatar
    New Contributor
    I am experiencing a browser crash very early on in my script when using TestComplete 9 to automate a Silverlight 5 website.  I was able to use TestComplete 8.7 to automate the same Silverlight 5 site (it actually still works, I have TC 8.7 and TC 9 installed on the same PC).

    I see the following error in my TC 9 log:

    The iexplore.exe process crashed.

    The Additional Information tab for this message includes the following:

    Process identifier (PID): 888/

    Dump file: ue_cb1bcf4d.dmp.

    My OS is Windows 7 64-bit.  I am using Internet Explorer 8 32-bit. 

    I also tried creating a simpler version of that script (all it does is login) using the Browsers object that was added to TC 9.  I still have the crash problem.
  • Hi,

    Can you submit a support case regarding this problem? Also, it would be very helpful if you could provide us with an example which would help us to reproduce this behavior.
  • dan_ws's avatar
    New Contributor
    I submitted a support request and included the simplified version of my project suite.  It seems like this problem is specific to either my PC or the application I am testing.

  • Hi,

    We've received your message. We'll continue working on this problem via e-mail.