Forum Discussion

sinis's avatar
2 years ago

Report generation in TestComplete

Can we generate individual test reports for each individual test cases in TestComplete? Is there any option for it or does it generate only a single report which is mht file at the end?


Which all test reports can be generated using TestComplete.. Is it only HTML, MHT and xml?

3 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    There's no options in TestComplete to output the results in PDF. There might be tools that can convert XML, HTML, JUnit reports into PDF report - you'll have to search the internet for this.


    You can also create your own custom report by using the data provided in the XML report.

    • sinis's avatar

      rraghvani , I have gone through the documentation and I have seen the scripts for exporting to XML, HTML, JUnit etc. But if we want a PDF report, can we only use PrintPreview? or can we use any script?