Forum Discussion

shank246's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Recognizing videos on Mobile devices



Does the Testcomplete mobile plugin recognize videos using object spy?

I want to perform actions such as click etc on a videos that is playing on my app.


One way i thought is using image recognition and comparing it with the video thats playing.

But would this approach work on mobile?




3 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Sanket,


    Could you elaborate what and what for do you need?

    If you are testing video playback control and need to check if the video is layed smoothly, in sync with the audio, etc. then I am afraid to say that this must be tested manually.

    Otherwise, I think that you should check if the video playback control is recognized by TestComplete and you can access its (control's) methods and properties. If you can, then you should be able to programmatically pause video playback, programmatically position video to some frame and, while keeping playback paused, do an image comparison.

    • shank246's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Alex,


      I need to test mobile video ads of different formats on mobile devices.

      What i am trying to test is that mobile video can be clicked at certain coordinates.


      Is there a way to get location coordinates for a video and click on that coordinate?




      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Hi Sanket,


        You definitely should be able to locate the video control (in the worst case, by using image-based approach - and click on it. This should work if you are not interested in clicking on certain scenes/frames during video payback. If you do, then, considering the speed of the video playback, I see no other reliable approach but to stop the playback on the required frame via some API and then performing a click.