Forum Discussion

kaloelee's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Project Suite and Individual Project Test Log

Hello All,


I have a Test Project Suite (TestProjSuite) and 2 Test Projects under (TestProj1 and TestProj2).


When I run Test Projects separately they will have their test logs generated under their own folders. E.g. TestProjSuite\TestProj1\Log\ and TestProjSuite\TestProj2\Log\ 


When I run the whole Test Project Suite the test log will generated under TestProjSuite\Log Only. 


Is there a way to let the Test Projects to generate Test Logs in their own folders instead of Test Project Suite log folder when I run tests at the Test Project Suite level. 



Thank you in advance!



  • Hi kaloelee,


    Have you tried going to the project properties and changing the log location? If that is what you are looking for here is what you have to do.

    Right click on your project, go to edit->Properties->General and you will see a tab with log location there. 



  • Hi kaloelee,


    Have you tried going to the project properties and changing the log location? If that is what you are looking for here is what you have to do.

    Right click on your project, go to edit->Properties->General and you will see a tab with log location there. 



    • BenoitB's avatar
      Community Hero

      Yes a log by project with the project properties is the good way 😉


      In addtion at anytime and anywhere you can use the Log.SaveResultsAs(yourLogPlace, lsMHT)

      • kaloelee's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Hi BenoitB 


        Thanks for your reply.


        As I mentioned in my previous reply to Reshail I think I will have to go with changing the code. I will give it "Log.SaveResultsAs" a try and see.

    • kaloelee's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Reshail 


      Thanks for you reply!


      Yes I have tried to point the project suite log to the project log folder via Properties> General > log location, and the test log did generate in the specific folder. However, the issue of doing so is that both 2 individual project logs go to that folder not stay separately in their own Log folders. Also the name of the log is different too,  ProjectSuite.pjs.tcLogs vs. Proj.mds.tcLogs


      In my case I use Project 1 to read and parse Project 2's test log, then post the test results back to our test case management system. 


      I guess at this point modifying the code seems the only choice. (Was hoping there would be a way of configuring the project without needing to change code).