Forum Discussion

suthersons's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Problem when other window overlapped

Hi Sir,

This is Sutherson from Syncfusion Software company. am a licensed user of your product sir.

I have faced some problem with TestComplete tool. Here is the details,

Testcomplete getting stopped play back when another window overlapped. I mean,when testcomplete play back the scripts with exe files, if there will be any exception in the exe files during playback means, the scripts gets stopped, it can not navigate to the next script, when i closed the overlapping window only, its gone to next script.

I have used the Overlapping window and IgnoreUnexpected window property to, it does not give any effect about this. So could you please help me on this sir?

Here with i have attached my TestComplete project for your reference. My system resolution is1360*768.

Let me know the status soon sir.



1 Reply

  • Hello Sutherson,

    The "Ignore Unexpected Window" and "Ignore Overlapping window" options are related to the situation when TestComplete is trying to perform an action over a window. These options define whether TestComplete should check for such windows. 

    In your case, you don't have such a situation, so TestComplete will not check for an unexpected window. You need to add an appropriate verification to your script explicitly. For example, you can do it in the following way:

    Reproduce the scenario when an unexpected window appears. When the window appears, pick it up using the Finder tool and save the FullName property of the corresponding object somewhere. Now, after the code that can lead to appearing of an unexpected window, add some code that will check whether the process of the unexpected window and the window itself exist. Use the Sys.WaitProcess and Process.WaitWindow methods to do that. You can find some samples on how to use these methods in the Waiting for a Process or Window Activation help topic. If the window exists, call the Close method to close it.

    Does this help?