Forum Discussion

mmaniscalco's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Perforce and TestComplete

Read this article:

and noticed this bullet

  • Perforce P4 Version Control System (Currently, Perforce 2009.2 is not supported by TestComplete.)

Do any users currently use Perforce in the TC IDE?  If so how to you have it setup and which version of Perforce are you using.  I have 2010.1 (it said is not supported, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work) installed and cannot "Add Project Suite" which I believe is the first step in controlling a Perforce project from the TC IDE.  I keep getting access violations.  Now it never asks for a password, so I'm guessing that might be part of it.

At this point I'm just wondering if anyone else is using the latest version of Perforce with TC IDE?


8 Replies

  • Perforce doesn't install P4SCC when you install its client P4V. You need this for Perforce to integrate with TestComplete.

    Download it from Select browse by component tab, choose component group 'plugins and integrations', then choose the SCC Plugin.

    After P4SCC is installed, Perforce SCM should be listed in the Select SCC Provider dialog within TestComplete

    I've used it successfully with TestComplete 8.5 and Perforce 2010.2/293336
  • I'm using 2008.2 and having the same issue.  I get:

    Unable to open the  "Perforce Project" project in source control.  The SCC API provider reports: Failed to initialize the project.

    Followed by:

    Access violation at address 033D0877.  Read address FFFFFFFF.

    And finally, TestComplete locks up for good....nice!

    Is anyone looking into this?  Is there an ETA for any type of fix?  We're still using TestComplete 7
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    TestComplete 7 is no longer under development.  TestComplete 8 is the recent version.  I'm not a SmartBear employee but I'd recommend at least downloading the TC 8 trial and see if the Perforce problem still exists.  

    As per the article update for TestComplete 8, there is apparently no longer a distinction indicating a particular Perforce version that is not supported.
  • abhijit_jain's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I am using TestComplete 8.2 and Perforce (P4V version: Perforce Visual Client/NTX86/2010.2/317255).

    I am unable to see the source control provider in select SCC provider window.

    PFA screen shot. Please help to overcome this issue.



  • Hi Abhijit,

    First of all, please update to the latest version of TestComplete 8 (v. 8.50) and check whether the behavior persists in this version. If it does, check the value of the following key in your registry:

    64-bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SourceCodeControlProvider\InstalledSCCProviders

    32-bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SourceCodeControlProvider\InstalledSCCProviders

    The key should contain information on SCC providers available in your system. If the needed provider is not there, try reinstalling it.

  • ragavendra's avatar
    New Contributor
    In TestComplete v10.4 and v10.5 if I add a new item to a project and check in. Then if I chek it out from another machine, there is special characters like below on even line numbers like below. Any idea why?

    //USEUNIT Test


    function testspcl()


    //whats wrong with pa and scnn

    ਍瘀愀爀 氀攀琀猀 㴀 ∀猀攀攀∀ഀഀ

    return lets;

