Forum Discussion

chris_dziurawie's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

Object Spy Not Recognizing Objects in Browser Window

I'm trying to setup the foundations for a new test project and want to begin by mapping the objects.  However, I'm finding that when I try to use Object Spy to identify objects in my application (or any application, for that matter) it doesn't recognize anything more specific than the entire browser window.

As I said, this is happening for any site that I open across any browser (tried FF, Chrome, and IE).  For example, if I open a browser and navigate to when I use the Object Spy on that page I can't identify anything except the entire browser window or the page.  Regardless of whether I'm pointing the Object Spy at the Google logo, the search text field, the Search button, etc... the Object Spy only highlights the entire window -- Sys.Browser("chrome").Window("Chrome_WidgetWin_1", "Google - Google Chrome", 4).Window("Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND", "Chrome Legacy Window", 1)

4 Replies

  • Answered my own question, I think.  I was running browser versions that were newer than the TC patches that I had installed.  Upgraded to TC 10 and updated to latest browser patch for FireFox and now things seem to be working.  Still have the same issue in Chrome, but I'm on version 34 and the patches available are only up through 33.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Chris,


    TestComplete 10.20 supports Chrome 34 by default. If you are using TestComplete 10.10, the Chrome 33 patch should work with Chrome 34.


    • Mathit's avatar

      Another solution to this is, for some reason, if i open the web application after i open testcomplete application i dont face this issue.If the browser was open already and then testcomplete was launched, this issue occurs.