Forum Discussion

cmclellan1234's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Is it possible to convert scripted tests into Keyword tests

Hi all

Earlier I asked if it was possible to convert keyword tests to scripted test (which I found out was possible) however is it possible to converted a scripted test back to a keyword test



5 Replies

  • cmclellan1234's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Alexei

    Thanks for the quick response, are they plan's to implement this functionality, and if so when?


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Chris,

    I have absolutely no relation to TestComplete development and is just a user like you (see my disclaimer), but in my understanding, this task is much more difficult than keyword test to script conversion. I think so because usually scripts are like a programs and use code to access external data, links to shared library functions and other script units, etc. It does not seem to be an easy task to recognize what the code snippet does and convert it to keyword test operation where possible and leave the code as it is where conversion is not possible and do this in a way that preserves all code infrastructure (variables scopes, links between code units, general code flow, etc.).
  • cmclellan1234's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Alexei

    Thanks for the post, this information has been very useful

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Hi Christopher,

    We have an appropriate suggestion in our DB, and your request has increased its rating. Currently, we cannot say when or whether this feature will be implemented.