Forum Discussion

BallerSanta2's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Integration Issues

I am attempting to integrate TestComplete into AzureDevops. I have everything setup, but when I have the build run it always tells me, "TestExecute Lite cannot work under the NETWORK_SERVICE account."

Not sure if I can change the configuration, but am quite desperate for assistance.

  • Yeah I have done some DevOps integration. I have used the TestComplete Test Adapter but I found it to not have all the features from TestComplete that I was used to. Instead I have a shell step that runs testcomplete/testexecute from the command line, and exports the test results (along with a junit that can be archived by the pipeline).


    I generally use an agent script to start the Azure agent (from an admin prompt), and we use a self-hosted agent with TestComplete installed.

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