Forum Discussion

rmnrdi's avatar
7 years ago

"If object " doesn't work no matter what condition I put into it.

Basically, I have an order entry form that I need to populate. 


If the form is already open, I don't want an instance launched. If the form is not open, I want to launch one from a launchpad type form.


No matter what values I put in for the condition, it always launches a new form. 


I used object spy to select the form object. I wouldn't think it gets much simpler than this:


  • You are using wrong indentation. You should place all required actions inside IF module:


    IF something
        do something

    Currently you have:


    IF something
    do something   <- it is not a part of IF statement, it is just a sequential step


  • baxatob's avatar
    Community Hero

    You are using wrong indentation. You should place all required actions inside IF module:


    IF something
        do something

    Currently you have:


    IF something
    do something   <- it is not a part of IF statement, it is just a sequential step


    • rmnrdi's avatar

      Oh boy.


      Thanks Baxatob. 


      Another issue I was having with the If Object is that I can only place it at the top of my form object. We have fields on our form that can exist or not depending on what the customer wants to appear.


      I need to do an "If object" for each field in the form, but it's only letting me put the "If Object" at the top or bottom of the form.


      I'm trying to put the If Object above cbxCategory1, but it won't allow it.





      • baxatob's avatar
        Community Hero

        Try to drag-and-drop cbxCategory1 element to required If object.