Forum Discussion

gfaucompre's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

How to get past a First Chance Exception?


I'm using TestComplete 8.2 and I'm getting a first chance exception when I run two functions one after the other.

This exception looks like this:

First chance exception 0x80010108 Unknown exception occurred at 0x7668b727

0x7668B727 RaiseException + 0x58 in KernelBase.dll
0x75D7374B RpcRaiseException + 0x42 in rpcrt4.dll
0x75C4A534 StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile + 0x17204 in ole32.dll
0x75D8414B NdrPointerFree + 0x16A in rpcrt4.dll
0x75C4BA02 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserUnmarshal + 0x60D in ole32.dll
0x75B3C8B5 CoGetTreatAsClass + 0x23EE in ole32.dll
0x75B3F8F2 ObjectStublessClient5 + 0x289 in ole32.dll
0x75B3F89E ObjectStublessClient5 + 0x235 in ole32.dll
0x75B38B53 CoRegisterMessageFilter + 0x36A1 in ole32.dll
0x75B38369 CoRegisterMessageFilter + 0x2EB7 in ole32.dll
0x7668B727 RaiseException + 0x58 in KernelBase.dll

RpcRaiseException + 0x42 in rpcrt4.dll

0x75C4A534 StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile
+ 0x17204 in ole32.dll

0x75D8414B NdrPointerFree + 0x16A in

0x75C4BA02 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserUnmarshal + 0x60D in

0x75B3C8B5 CoGetTreatAsClass + 0x23EE in ole32.dll

ObjectStublessClient5 + 0x289 in ole32.dll

0x75B3F89E ObjectStublessClient5 +
0x235 in ole32.dll

0x75B38B53 CoRegisterMessageFilter + 0x36A1 in

0x75B38369 CoRegisterMessageFilter + 0x2EB7 in ole32.dll

If I run the two functions manually I don't get this exception.

If I put a delay between the two functions I don't get it also.

But is there a more proper way to get past this exception?

Thanks in advance.
  • Hi Guillaume,

    Please follow the steps below to help us investigate the problem:

    1. Download AQtime Standard, which is our free profiling tool, from our web site:

    AQtime Standard 

    2. Install the tool.

    3. Start AQtime with the -NotOpenApp command line argument. For example, you can use the following command line:

    "c:\Program Files\Automated QA\AQtime 7\Bin\AQtime.exe" -NotOpenApp

    4. Select the 'File | New Project From Module...' main menu item.

    5. In the Open File dialog, select the TestComplete's executable file and click Open.

    6. Take a look at the AQtime toolbar - there is a combo box. Open it and select the "Tracing | Exception Trace Profiler" item.

    7. Select the "Options | Options..." main menu command - the Options dialog will appear.

    8. Set the "Profiling Time | Event View | General | Exceptions | Depth shown" setting to 100 and click OK.

    9. Start TestComplete via selecting "Run | Run" in AQtime's main menu..

    10. Reproduce the problem.

    11. After the problem occurs, right-click somewhere within the Event View panel (it is opened by default at the bottom of AQtime's window) and select the 'Save All...' item.

    12. Save the panel's contents to an HTML file and send me the file via our Contact Support form:

    Thanks in advance.
  • gfaucompre's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I posted a support request with the information I got from following the steps you gave me.

    Hope it will help.

  • Hi Guillaume,

    I failed to find your request in our DB. Could you please let me know the Issue# assigned to it?

  • gfaucompre's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I posted it using the CustomerId of my company (Emailvision) under Minor usage problem on TestComplete 8.20

    I'm not the one who registered. If i find the Issue# I'll post it.

  • Hi Guillaume,

    It looks like your message got lost for some reason - it's not among messages from your company. Could you please re-submit it?

  • gfaucompre's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I posted the HTML back on a support request.

    Here is the Issue# : M0083855.