Forum Discussion

Nursyamim's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

How to capture a small symbol?

I got a blinking image where the image is change based on the object state.

I cannot capture the symbol like a watch when TestComplete just can recognize the whole window.

I have to verify the object state based on the small symbol, the watch symbol.

Do you any solution for my problem?

5 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    when TestComplete just can recognize the whole window.

    If I got your question right, this usually means that TestComplete does not have access to required internals of the tested application. Given that you posted to the desktop section of TestComplete forum, what language (and IDE) is your tested application created with?


    • LinoTadros's avatar
      Community Hero

      This is a great reason to use the new Artifical Intelligence OCR recognition in the latest Testcomplete.  It uses the Google Vision AI system and is a great way of comparing the symbol correctly every time.



    • Nursyamim's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I have tried the both OCR features but TestComplete can't recognize the object, i think because they use a language that TestComplete can't support. Then, I tried use the Region Checkpoint and select the image I want. It works but it recognize the image I select at fixed position. My watch symbol is not in the same position, sometime at line 2, somtime it will be at line 23,I mean the position of the watch symbol is random.

      TanyaYatskovska wrote:

      Community, thanks for the great suggestions!

      Nursyamim, did you find a solution to your question?