Forum Discussion

Naveenkr36's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

How to call one KeywordTests in another KeywordTests?

I have multiple KeywordTests like Login, CreateUser and Logout, my requirement is Login should be called inside CreateUser? How to make this in TestComplete 

  • You can also add test by drag and drop - in tree on your left find keyword test you want to add to your new test, drag it to workspace and drop it in the place you want it to be called. 

2 Replies

  • LinoTadros's avatar
    Community Hero


    Use the Keyword operation "Run Keyword Test" from the "Test Actions" tab and choose to run any of your other Keyword testsfrom inside of your Keyword Test.


    Hope that helps


  • bach_ls's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    You can also add test by drag and drop - in tree on your left find keyword test you want to add to your new test, drag it to workspace and drop it in the place you want it to be called.