Forum Discussion

ameykhopade's avatar
7 years ago

how Can i get the gylphicon class element which I am not able to spy

I need to perform a click action on a glyphicon class element which I am not able to spy.

the element  which I want to click is the pencil icon in the cell.(attached Image pencil.pgn)


As I said I am not able to spy this element and I am using a data driven framework where I need the objects full name to perform a click action.


I tried getting the object item for the pencil icon using the Queryselector method on the cells fullname which should be the parent item of the pencil icon.


this is what i am seeing when I inspect the pencil icon


so I tried using the class on the object of the cell 

Sys.Process("iexplore").Page("*").Form("aspnetForm").Panel("divHeaderAndContent").Panel("contentWrapper").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(2).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Table(0).Cell(2, 4).QuerySelector(".glyphicon")


this gave me an empty object.


and when I am using the class name as  ".glyphicon glyphicon-pencil pointer" i am getting error as missing ')'.


what am I missing here ? am I doing this correctly ?


any alternative to click the pencil icon which is not spy able using the object spy as I need the full name of that object to perform any action.







8 Replies

    • ameykhopade's avatar

      yes I tried that but i am not getting any object in return when I execute this 


      Sys.Process("iexplore").Page("*").Form("aspnetForm").Panel("divHeaderAndContent").Panel("contentWrapper").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(2).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Table(0).Cell(2, 4).QuerySelector("span.glyphicon glyphicon-pencil pointer")

       it this correct because i am getting an object when i evaluate this but I am not able to inspect that object.

      please see attach image in that image we can see object as Result but the Inspect button is disabled not sure why and not able to check what I am getting.