Forum Discussion

ztilleto_1's avatar
13 years ago

Error: Cannot copy the remote log. Failed to invoke an object.

Lately when I run distributed tests the test hangs for a very long time after it has finished, trying to copy the log. Today I let it run its cause and I got the following message for the error.

Type    Message    MessageEx    Priority    Link

100997728    Cannot copy the remote log. Failed to invoke an object. Reason: timeout expired        Normal   

Is there some how I can trace what might have gone wrong, as the script ran without any problems, it even packed the log on the remote computer and sent it to an email, so no problems with the log either on the remote computer.

15 Replies

  • Cheers thanks Alex...

    Requested the plugin.. ;)

    Thanks again for all the help. ;)
  • Thanks again, working fine, had a run today with a large log, was copied without any problems.. yay ;)

    Cheers Alex and the team for fixing this.

  • Hello Mike,

    Thanks for the confirmation!

    It's great to hear the problem is now resolved.
  • Hi,

    I am running 8.70.727 on both parent and slave machines.  As in the case with Mike,  when I run distributed tests the test hangs for a very long time after it has finished, trying to copy the log. I then get the error "Cannot copy the remote log. Failed to invoke an object. Reason: timeout expired ".  I can still get detailed log on the slave machine but not on the parent.  Please assist in fixing this issue.

