Forum Discussion

rajendermehta's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Debugging into dotnet DLLs.


I am using a dotnet dll in testcomplete and I am calling a method included in this library.

Sequence of task:

1. Make reference of the assembly in Microsoft .Net CLR bridge in project properties.

2. Calling the method from dll (.net assembly)

e.g. dotNET["SQCenterDBAccess"]["SQCenterDBController"]["GetInstance"]()

3. I set a breakpoint in same method in visual studio code editor and attached visual studio to testComplete process.

Problem: While executing the script in TestComplete, I am not able to debug the code in dotnet assembly method. Breakpoint doesn't hit by the execution process.

Software Versions:

TestComplete: 7.52 Demo version

MS Visual Studio: 2008 team edition.

Please help me in "debugging into dotnet assembly" while execution from testComplete.


Rajender Mehta

Agilent Technologies.

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