Forum Discussion

ekiza23's avatar
13 years ago

Cannot Install(Modify) Subversion Integration in TC9

I am trying to configure TestComplete 9 to integrate with Subversion.

I am following the instructions here:


In order for TestComplete to integrate with the Subversion source control system, Subversion version 1.6.6, 1.7.3, 1.7.4 or 1.7.5 and the 32-bit version of CollabNet Subversion must be installed on your computer.

I have installed Tortoise SVN 1.7.7 (64bits) - the specs says that this version is linked to Subversion 1.7.5 - (Note that my Win7 64bits would not allow me to install Tortoise 1.7.7 (32bits)


I have installed the 32 bits version of CollabNet


To enable support for integration with Subversion, you need to select the Extensions | Subversion Integration item when installing TestComplete.

I didn't do this when I installed, so I proceed with the following instructions

If TestComplete is already installed, to add the Subversion support, follow the steps below:

  • Run TestComplete installation in the Modify mode and select the Extensions | Subversion Integration item in the Select Feature screen.

  • Proceed with the installation.

I select Modify, I check the Subversion Integration in the Extensions branch and when I click Next, I get a Modal OK Dialog:

Unhandled Exception

Error Number: 0x80040702

Description: Failed to load DLL: aqSVNSCCProxy

Setup will now terminate.

Since I can't do this, I can't see Subversion in the Source Control options described in here:

  • I uninstalled TC9,

    Installed a Vanilla version of SVN 1.7.5

    and reinstalled TC9 again.

    This time the checkbox for Extension Subversion Integration was already on.

    I have been able to connect to the repository now. 
  • Julia_K's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hello Christian,

    I'm glad to hear that you have fixed the problem.

    We are aware of the problem with the "Failed to load DLL: aqSVNSCCProxy" error occurring in the Modify mode of the TestComplete installation program. We will fix the issue in one of the future TestComplete updates.

    The workaround is to uninstall TestComplete and install it anew.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.