Forum Discussion

premanand_r's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Cannot able to do cross browser testing

we recorded a page in our application in IE and we get the script as :

Call Aliases.browser.ToUrl("")

Call Aliases.browser.pageTips.formFrmlogin.table.textboxTxtemailaddr.Keys("")

  'Enters '[Tab]' in the 'textboxTxtemailaddr' object.

  Call Aliases.browser.pageTips.formFrmlogin.table.textboxTxtemailaddr.Keys("[Tab]")

  'Sets the text 'test1234' in the 'passwordboxTxtpassword' text editor.

  Call Aliases.browser.pageTips.formFrmlogin.table.passwordboxTxtpassword.Keys("abc")

  'Clicks at point (27, 9) of the 'imagebuttonImgbtnlogin' object.

  Call Aliases.browser.pageTips.formFrmlogin.table.imagebuttonImgbtnlogin.Click(27, 9)

But this code when we run in other browsers like firefox and chrome it is not working.

The same page we recorded in chrome and firefox and got the code as


  Call Aliases.firefox.wndMozillaWindowClass.Click(165, 106)  

  Call Aliases.firefox.wndMozillaWindowClass.Keys("[Enter]")   

  Call Aliases.firefox.wndMozillaWindowClass.Keys("[Tab]")

  Call Aliases.firefox.wndMozillaWindowClass.Keys("abc")

  Call Aliases.firefox.wndMozillaWindowClass.Click(649, 489)


Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Keys("[Enter]")

  Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Click(648, 325)

  'Enters '[Tab]' in the 'BrowserWindow' object.

  Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Keys("[Tab]")

  'Clicks at point (641, 354) of the 'BrowserWindow' object.

  Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Click(641, 354)

  'Enters 'test1234' in the 'BrowserWindow' object.

  Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Keys("abc")

  'Clicks at point (636, 440) of the 'BrowserWindow' object.

  Call Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Click(636, 440)

we have to do cross browser testing for this functionality using a single script for all browsers.Please help .

