Forum Discussion

NisHera's avatar
Valued Contributor
10 years ago

Annoying behavior of Name Mapping

Found following behaviour with name mapping

My object is Sys.myApp.A.B.C.D.E

Have mapped it as  myApp.maped  and remove rest of mapping (aliases)around it.

So when you record or spy it will look like Aliases. myApp.maped wich is correct


But later I found that I need to use a child object of maped (say F)

When I record or spy it shows as Sys.myApp.A.B.C.D.E.F

If auto mapping is on, will create Aliase.myApp.A.B.C.D.E.F and there are two mappings created for object E. This is annoying and have to manually clean up.


It seems to a bug in TestCompleate to me. If I look at F should show as Aliase.myApp.maped.F

Anybody has solution..?

1 Reply

  • william_roe's avatar
    Super Contributor

    I have found the same behavior and since disabled 'Map object names automatically'. For those items which name mapping is useful I map the objects ahead of time (as suggested on this forum) and have smoother sailing.