5 months agoOccasional Contributor
Mass import Postman collection/requests into Swagger Explore API/operation
I inherited an old code base that doesn't have any API documentations and I want to use Swagger Hub for it. We fortunately have a collection in Postman for most of the endpoints.
I am following the instructions in the Explore.cli.
Explore What's New - Import Postman Collection | SmartBear Community
I want to confirm the expected behaviours on import of a Postman collection since this feature is not in the documentations yet: I imported a Postman collection json file of about 60 requests.
Each Postman request created an API and within the API contains a singular Operation (e.g. GET /user/).
If so, is there a way to import the entire Postman collection's into a single API with the 60 requests as Operations?