Forum Discussion

BrianReynolds's avatar
Occasional Visitor
14 years ago

MTOM and Content-ID

Hi, I'm having some issues after moving from soapUi 2.5.1 and 3.6.1 (big jump I know) with a MTOM web service.

In 2.5.1, elements used in the SOAP are created with the cid reference and a number, for example,

<blob1 xm:contentType="audio/mp3">cid:1219579121464</blob1>

when you add an attachment, and choose the part from the dropdown list, the ContentID column stays blank. When I check the raw MTOM message that is sent to my service, the Content-ID header (in the part with my attachment) has it's value equal to the cid reference. Which I understand is exactly what the MTOM spec says. And that works *great*!

For soapui 3.6.1, again, I go through the same process, and a cid:reference is generated in the SOAP. But after I add the attachement, the ContentID becomes the filename of the attachment, and this is what the Content-ID header has in the raw MTOM message. Therefore, the "default" numeric cid reference needs to be manually changed in the SOAP to match the filename. OK, not a big deal, but in terms of usability, it's an extra, error-prone step that everyone must do before calling their service.

Any thoughts? It would be great to change it back to the way it worked in 2.5.1
  • This is still an issue in 4.5.1. To me, this is a bug. The Content-ID should pick up from the Part drop-down, not the Name.