Forum Discussion
- ChrisAdamsChampion Level 3
I don't have a service that returns that XML, so I used a Groovy script step to return the XML as a string.
Let's call it "Return XML as a String - Groovy Script". Below is the contents of that step.
def originalXml = ''' <response version-api="2.0"> <Service> <Values> <Value Row="31" Column="A"/> <Value Row="31" Column="C"/> <Value Row="31" Column="D"/> <Value Row="31" Column="L"/> <Value Row="32" Column="D"/> <Value Row="32" Column="F"/> <Value Row="33" Column="F"/> <Value Row="43" Column="J"/> </Values> </Service> </response> '''; return originalXml;
Note : I had to add the response node within.
To parse, I created another Groovy script step too parse and populate a map of Row and Column values.
Here are the contents of that step...
// We need this to parse our XML String. import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper; // Simple class to add to a map later... class Coordinate { String row String column } // Let's get our XML String from another Groovy step. This should be replaced by a getting XML from the service response. def xmlString = context.expand( '${Return XML as String - Groovy Script#result}' ) // Let's have a look at it.; // Use XML Slurper to parse our XML String. def response = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlString); // Create an empty map to put the coordinates into. def map = []; // Iterate over the values and for each, create a coordinate object and add it into our map. for (item in response.Service.Values.Value) { def rowVal = item.attributes()["Row"]; def colVal = item.attributes()["Column"]; // Let's have a look at the current Row and Column"Row ${rowVal}. Column ${colVal}."); // Create a temp object. Coordinate temp = new Coordinate(row: rowVal, column: colVal); // Add the temp object to our map. map.add(temp); } // Let's have a look at each object in the map...."");"Map Contents");""); for(item in map) {"Row ${item.row}. Column ${item.column}."); } // Finally, return our map for use elsewhere... return map;
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- 2 years ago