Forum Discussion

PaulSimthLee's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Failed to install SOAPUI

I download the SOAPUI 4.5.1 it terminates during the installation. Check the log file i4j_nlog18, it reports
JRE is packed
Unpacking JRE
Unpacking jre\lib\rt.jar.pack to jre\lib\rt.jar
could not create unpack process.

- And then I try to download the bin zip version, when i launch the SOAPUi by clicking on soapui.bat, It shows the following errors in the window console:
- java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load native JNIWrapper library (jniwrap.dll)

Yes. the SOAPUI is launched, i can create a SOAPUI project, but I cannot open the TestCase Editor, check the window console, it shows the following error:
- Could not initialize class com.jniwrapper.win32.comtype.CLSID

Please help as we need to use this test tool to test our JMS message. If it works ok, our company will conside to use SOAPUI PRO

10 Replies

  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Have you try to install soapui from a zip file (installation is just: unarchive the zip file)?
  • PaulSimthLee's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Yes. I did try to use the zip version.
    Yes. I can launch the SOAPUI but when I click on the TestCase, it does not open the TestCase Editor, check the DOS window console, it prompt an error stating that:

    - JniWraper not load.

    The only version it works is SOAPUI 2.4.1, but it does not work for my Groovy script.
  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    ok, did you try the zip file which embedded the jre? your first post (using the installer) shows there is a problem during jre unpacking
    soapui 4.5.1 needs a jre7, the jre version is logged in the console on Soapui startup
  • PaulSimthLee's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thank you for helping me.
    I have created a JAVA_HOME environment that include jre
    In program File | Java, the folder structure like below:
    - Program File
    - Java
    - jre7
    In SOAPUI4.5.1 zip and extract to the following folder structure
    - soapui-4.5.1
    - bin
    - actions
    - ext (I put all my custom jar files here)
    - listeners
    - lib
    - licenses
    - Tutorials
    - wsi-test-tools

    I check the soapui.bat which i used to lauch the SOAPUI. In soapui.bat, it has the following to embed jre

    set JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java

    set CLASSPATH=%SOAPUI_HOME%soapui-4.5.1.jar;%SOAPUI_HOME%..\lib\*;

    Notes that the JAVA_HOME environment points to c:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java

    When I launch the SOAPUI, in the window console displays the folowing:
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load native JNIWrapper library (jniwrap.dll)

    In SOAP window, if i click on the TestCase, the TestCase editor cannot open, in the window console, it displays the following:
    An error occured [Could not initialise class], see error log for details. I

    I dont know where to find the error log.

    This is a main problme - cannot open the TestCase Editor..
    please advise. thanks
  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Please give a try to the zip archive that contains the jre.

    the missing dll is supposed to be in the lib/jxbrowser-3.0.jar file
    the error logs file is bin/soapui-errors.log

    Could you also provide the full stack trace? i've seen issues related to jxexplorer, the lib that let soapui communicate with browsers
  • PaulSimthLee's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks for a quick reply.
    In my SOAPUI_HOME/lib, it has a jar file you specifiy. "jxbrowser-3.0.jar".
    Now three people in our team can't use SOAPUI because of the same reason.

    Please attache log file.
    I have a look at the soapui.log, it returns an error when I click on the TestCase, and it does NOT open the TestCase Editor

    Please advise.
  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    is internet explorer your default browser? if so, try to set another browser as default
    if the problem occur suddently (for you and you team mates), it could be cause by an IE update.
    did you search for related issue on the jxbrowser library? it seems the problem is there
  • PaulSimthLee's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thank you. It works when I change the default browser to Firefox instead of IE. Now I can install SOAPUI 4.5.1
    Thanks again
  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    I've also found an option to desactivate the jxbrowser, did not test it right now, but i've seen it in the testrunner.bat file of soapui pro 4.5.1
